Okay, I messed up and bought some raise dead wands from the guild vendor without realizing they would bind to character (note to self: don't do business when you're not fully awake).
So here I am, stuck with some wands, willing to help anyone who got in over their head, who happen to be a few steps too far away from a shrine, and who forgot to pocket a siberys spirit cake for the trip. As long as you're not somewhere I can't access, like a quest I'm not currently flagged for, I can give you a jump start.
I'm a level 14 rogue/sorc, with a 35% chance per wand whip, and excellent sneak skills, so your chances of getting up again are good. Just send Opossum of Sarlona a polite tell, and if I'm not currently preoccupied, I'll come a-sneaking.