/rant on
Five clerics, 4 years of playing and stuck with Radiant ...
Looks like G-Land just lost more divines to lack of support from the Devs.
If I don't just quit, maybe I'll just join the Exploiter group and worry about
taking care of myself.
/rant off
I know that sounds childish, but a core class that gets no love gets boring to play
after awhile. But I am serious about the one or the other. I have tried so many
combos of a class that should be able to get some attention other than giving them
more healing options. Yes, I can focus more on being melee capable, but that pretty
much get crushed once you hit level 18 because of the Monty Python loot and the
lack of balance.
Maybe instead of continually asking for Cleric love, maybe I should be asking for DDO2, a return to what DDO was ... a real strategic minded game instead of a game
with this WoW inspired direction its taken.