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  1. #21
    Community Member Astraghal's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    I'm guessing the Epic Marilith Chain is so valuable because it's a critical component in a maximum DPS build.

    Let's compare the benefits to the values being discussed here.

    It gives +4 Seeker over a Bloodstone (or +2 over an Epic Bloodstone) and frees up the trinket slot.

    That's a grand total of 4-16 (or 2-8) extra points of damage on critcal hits from the armor alone.

    I guess with a Litany of the Dead, Greater Bold Trinket or Epic Gem of Many Facets you can squeeze out another few points of damage at most.

    That is a very expensive minor DPS increase.

  2. #22
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Astraghal View Post
    I'm guessing the Epic Marilith Chain is so valuable because it's a critical component in a maximum DPS build.

    Let's compare the benefits to the values being discussed here.

    It gives +4 Seeker over a Bloodstone (or +2 over an Epic Bloodstone) and frees up the trinket slot.

    That's a grand total of 4-16 (or 2-8) extra points of damage on critcal hits from the armor alone.

    I guess with a Litany of the Dead, Greater Bold Trinket or Epic Gem of Many Facets you can squeeze out another few points of damage at most.

    That is a very expensive minor DPS increase.
    So is the Epic Claw set.

    Or 3-piece Abashai.

    Or pretty much anything at endgame.

    If it's best in slot, it WILL be sought after. If it's best in slot AND rare, it WILL be very expensive.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  3. #23
    Community Member phayth's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Well Vasska, you dont have to be nosy, I bid more because I found out the other bidder was you.
    Last edited by phayth; 03-12-2011 at 10:22 PM.
    Phayth Divine
    Legendary Cleric of Cannith
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  4. #24
    Community Member Claymorep's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    I was a bit surprised of that offer, considering that was a guildy that did it. Bua after a little reason... All those items are things that near all of us have and don't use. Consider that we are an epic questing only guild and 7-8 guys of us will offer that if there is a mari scroll somewhere.

    I know it's a "little increase in dps" compared to the price, but it's the BEST dps armor in game atm considering the slot that occupy and all discussed very well by Sirgog. So every single point of dps is something in increasing your power considering your role.

    If you are a battle cleric it's effectivness is low, but if You are a blitz with picks and e-chaosblades or a barbarian with esos that improvements is big.

    Fortunately in guild I selected the red scale-ebloodstone combo for my pally and very happy with that choose, but clerly my role is not only dps

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