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Are you going for an archmagi item? (eg bracers of the glacier) If yes, where is that going to be? Avoid that slot.
Are you planning on arcane lore or healing lore? Again, if yes, avoid the slot where that item or combination of items will be.
Neck and Belt: Conventional wisdom is to avoid due to ToD sets. (also, torc)
Helmet: Avoid as cleric because there are several good "hjealer" helmet options. You can get the 20hp toughness boost of minos from a blue slot item, do not worry about that.
Boots: Maybe, just remember you'll almost certainly be taking your boots off for ToD.
Cloak: Clashes with envenomed cloak and mabar cloak, which are popular choices here.
Goggles: No directly divine related item shouts out to me here. Possibly clashes with Tharnes or Epic spectacles of spirit sight, depending on melee/caster playstyle.
Gloves: Charged gauntlets/gloves of the claw/brawling gloves/spectrals clash here if playing a melee style divine. Nothing major springs to mind for caster style divine. (Although if gianthold ever goes epic, then epic gauntlets of eternity might become the Next Big Thing)
I personally went goggles and cloak.