This is a human sorc 32pt build. Should I be getting anything else or is this good?
This is a human sorc 32pt build. Should I be getting anything else or is this good?
I'd suggest lowering Con slightly to bump Str up to 10 so Strength damage doesn't completely paralyze you. Otherwise looks pretty standard; max Cha and lots of Con.
.:[Aluatris Songsteel - 18 Bard | Elorick - 18 Monk | Daevian - 8 Wizard]:.
.:[Roleplayer and proud member of the Fellowship of the Golden Night on Thelanis ]:.
To be honest, I don't agree with the general idea of putting points in strength to avoid incap because of ray of enfeeblement. Sure, half a dozen times or so while you're leveling, you'll get incapacitated, but in the end you'll spend much more time at level 20 than you will at level 8. I prefer to min/max, get the 20 hp at endgame and deal with a couple of inconveniences along the way.
I leveled up with 16 con, 18 char and the rest into str, primarily for melee ability at low levels. Grab masters touch and a greataxe like Maelstrom and breeze through the levels where you are really limited in spell selection. The lower than max con was not much of a big deal while I was leveling, but I did switch to 18 con and 18 char with a LR at level 20.
Others would advocate build points in dex for reflex save, or int for extra skills. They are all viable ways to build and play, there is nothing wrong with 16 con even at level 20. Go with what is best for the way you are going to play your Sorcerer, because there is nothing worse than leveling a character that you don't enjoy playing.
So long as you can manage a +2 str tome to help w/ the str damage u might get from incoming hits from Ray of Enfeeblement..u should be fine... (as well as a +6 str item end game) my Sorce (human) started out w/ the same stats... ending hes' got (w/ greensteel items) 16/12/26/14/16/36 sittin at 386hp (still haven't finished my ConOpp scepter, but when finished it will have +2exceptional con to it making my con a 28)
"I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
Learn to swim..."
"This body holding me reminds me of my own mortalityEmbrace this moment, remember, we are eternalAll this pain is an illusion"
16 con is fine, put the rest into str. It will help with low level levelling where you should be swinging a 2hander. It will also mean you won't need to waste an equipment slot on a str item later to avoid being burdened by your equipment/loot.
IMO 32 pnt sorc
CON 16
INT 14
CHA 18
I just loves me some skillz..
UMD(pretty much required for a human sorc)
Concentration (again required for a human sorc)
I just don't see the point of anymore than 8 str, eat a +2 tome and slot a str item somewhere... they are not hard to fit in..
Much rather have some additional Skills, Con, or WIS for will saves than a stat (str) that is 100% irrelevant to this type of sorcerer.
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
Like I said, everyone has a different opinion based on their play style and likes/dislikes.
Go with what will make you happiest with your character.
I do disagree with putting points into Wisdom to increase will save, FoM makes will save meaningless.
If you like skills go with Int, for sure. I feel that UMD and Concentration are all the skills that I need to increase (with 1 point into tumble and the rest into balance after a +2 int tome at lvl 7), but others feel differently.
There are yet others that would call you crazy for not putting points into dex to increase your reflex save.
The thread sits here long enough and you'll have people telling you to put points into every and anything, it's the nature of the beast!
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
well look at it this way, its only 2 more, which translates to less then a ray of exhaustion, while 2 more con translates into 20 more hp.
In addition to this, i find that melees are usually the ones that get exhausted, as i dont remember being incapped while levelling (started with 8 str)
With the current duration of Feeblemind it is easy to just run away and let it wear off, even in a solo epic wiz king. Or drink a Mnemonic pot, if that still works. Honestly the duration is so short I haven't even checked since they changed it. Though I do agree that ability points into Str at endgame are largely worthless, if you don't want to slot a +6 item, simply work it into an epic item slot or have a swap item for if you get encumbered.
Last edited by Ridag; 03-11-2011 at 09:10 AM.
Fair enough, even with the shortened duration I would still find +1 to save against it (even 2 seconds of not being able to cast can suck) much more useful than extra STR. I really don't reccomend any other stat on a sorc other than STR CON INT, but if are going to waste a couple of ability points you may as well get an extra saving throw for it. Again, just my2cp and obviously IMO. (Note that I am not trying to argue with you here as you agree with me about the extra str being useless, just giving another option if 14 or 18 Con isnt for the OP.)
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine