Hey all,
First of all, I had no idea where to post this since they tweaked the Forum (grumble)...I figured here would be a good a place as anywhere
Grumbling aside, onto business! I have a 28pt Warforged Wiz12/Monk6/Fighter2 Palemaster + Ninja 1 Monk. It started as a flavor build for fun, and turned into a surprisingly powerful toon. Insane survivability, good DPS, and it fairs pretty well in epics. I'm nearing my 20th Shroud and planning on TR-ing shortly afterwards. I intend to keep the palemaster mele theme going, but I'm toying with changing the race and levels of multiclassing, and would like a little bit of opinion.
Here is what I based my build off of: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...alemaster+monk
Currently, its a STR-based Warforged Monk at the core, with the 12 Wiz levels wrapped around it.
Base 28pt stats:
STR: 18
DEX: 15
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHA: 6
For the TR: I'm pretty happy with where STR is. I want to put some more points into CON for some always welcome hp. I also want to put more into WIS to help the stunning fist DC's out.
Levels: Again, for this build, I went with Wiz12/Monk6/Fighter2. Wiz12 for the PM shrouds, Monk 6 for Ninja Spy 1, and Fighter 2 for feats and some mele enhancements. This works pretty well, although I'm always looking for a way to boost damage output.
I'm fixed on the 12 levels of Wizard for the PM shrouds, its just a matter of figuring out how to maximize my mele abilities with the other 8 available levels.
Theoretically, I could change levels around and get Wiz12/Fighter6/Monk2 for Kensai 1. I could also Go Wiz12/Monk8 and get a little extra mele damage from unarmed strikes (1d10). Or just stick with the current build. I think this is the hardest decision I've got to make, and some valuable insight is welcome!
Accumulated Gear/Races: I've gathered some good gear in this life(or am working on getting), and I'd like to use them in the next one.
-Minos Legens
-GS Earthgrab Cloak
-Shroud of the Abbot
-(Circle of Hatred)
-(possibly a GS MIN II helm to replace Minos)
-(Madstone Boots)
-(Amrath PM set)
The Shroud of the Abbot is a robe that casts inflict light wounds on the wearer when he's struck (heals PM's when struck). Because it is a robe, I can't exactly wear it as a Warforged. The only other item in the game (that I know of) that has this "Boon of Undeath" enhancement is the Docent/Robe of Shadow from the Mabar Festival. Now, unless Turbine plans to bring Mabar back this fall, the Shroud of the Abbot is my only option, forcing me to go with a fleshy race to be able to use it.
So here's some options on what fleshy race to go with:
Half-Orc: STR-bonus + orc fury bonuses.
Half-Elf: Versatility + Dilettante feats/enhancements
Halfing: Sneak attack enhancements + size bonuses (hey, who doesn't love a cuddly ball of death itself?)
I'm leaning towards the Half-elf, and taking the Rogue Dilettante for the extra 3d6 sneak attack damage.
Putting it all together and we get:
34 pt Half-Elf
Wiz12/Monk (x) /Fighter (x)
Strength-Based Palemaster Ninja Monk with Rog Dilettante.
What do you guys think? Any +5 Constructive Criticism is greatly appreciated!