Another 4 good runs. Thanks for coming.
New signs ups appear sometime on thursday.
Another 4 good runs. Thanks for coming.
New signs ups appear sometime on thursday.
Last edited by Shade; 03-16-2011 at 06:26 AM.
I'll be down for a couple on Friday. Won't be able to make any on Tuesday though.
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
I can for the Friday ones not sure about the Tuesday ones yet.
Khyber Server
Officer of the Free Companions
Salima, Haramis, Arsis, Fatina, Khaleigh, Khayleigh, Kharleigh, Aradya, Khadiya, Kharileigh, etc...
I can make both days. I'll bring whatever is needed.
Solo: Eadq1, Eadq2, EDA, EChains, EVOD. 2 man EShroud, 4 man ETOD, World First ELOB
I can bring my Monk, Dukkha on both days, seeing as CE hates running them =)
Smrti on Khyber
I'll bring Gilders and Zogdor on both days. I'm still not really sure what goes on in VoN 5 to be honest, but I can try doing something with my rogue Zogdor (his 2 Barbarian levels give him 5 speed boosts and he has a few DDoor scrolls).
Jackovall (Completionist Wizard - Life 23/23) -- Gilders PDK Tree build (Life 8/8) -- Zogdor PDK Rogue Mechanic (Life 10/10) -- Taykare Pure Warlock (Life 14/14) -- Sheo Bladeforged Rogue Mechanic (life 12/12) --
Double Deviants
Gonna try to make it for Friday and Tuesday, **** barb is only lvl 19 so I may have 3 for Tuesday
Kibonk (monk), Kibid (Rogue)
sorry never really read the whole post as I just signed up real fast because we were in the middle of a bijillion litany runs, but I can do any part needed in von5/6. I'd prefer to get the voice/ring or puzzle both of which I'll be done fast as a lightning bolt (I wont be on Jenovaa who always moves about 1/2 a mile per hour due to DoD haha so no issues).
Solo: Eadq1, Eadq2, EDA, EChains, EVOD. 2 man EShroud, 4 man ETOD, World First ELOB
Ultrablade for the first run for sure.
I'll get the Voice and the ring. Yes, I know...4 turns of each wheel instead of 5.
EDIT: or...Lacer could do it. I'm fine with whatever.
Sign up Buffon/Theminion for Friday, not sure about Tuesday.
Buffon - 20 fvs, Inanimis - 20 fvs, Theminion - 12 barb;
k thx for signups.
gilders i put ur rog on doorknocker duty for whatever run u take him on.
Phalcon u can do main obj run 1, and maybe 3/4 depending.
Ultrablade can do main obj on run 2.
thx for volunteering.
Cant make the runs for Friday night, the missus put the kibosh on that.
Happy hunting!
i am in plz! On whatever
Ludotricces Barb right now 7th life/ Torlad Lvl 4 Tr'd Wizzy/ Tavros Cleric Lvl 20/ Nun Bard Lvl20/ Gorthmog Barb Lvl 17/ Ludobot Barb Lvl 20/ Luudo Barb Lvl 20/ Robal Palli Lvl 20/ Giffted Wizzy Lvl 20/ Eldamar Palli Lvl 19/ Pumpkinator Bard Lvl 20
forming now. slots reserved tell 7:10pm est
Last edited by Shade; 03-11-2011 at 07:00 PM.
Ya, the first run was a bit hairy, but we pulled it out of the box! Good work
And I got 2 large reds for my troubles!
Jackovall (Completionist Wizard - Life 23/23) -- Gilders PDK Tree build (Life 8/8) -- Zogdor PDK Rogue Mechanic (Life 10/10) -- Taykare Pure Warlock (Life 14/14) -- Sheo Bladeforged Rogue Mechanic (life 12/12) --
Double Deviants
Yeps another 4 good runs and a good tower elites after for fun.
Tuesday sign ups avail.
Signing up for Tuesday, 3 toons
Kibonk (monk), Kibid (Rogue), Kib (barb)
I'll have to bow out for tonight Axer. No sleep last night and a looooooong day at the DMV today make me a sleepy Monk.
Smrti on Khyber