As I remember, Amrath was in development late into the dead time. I remember it on risia waaaay before it ever came out. I think it was not finished and forgotten at that time.
It is your only high level content and I would like to point out just some things I notice. I hope other players will sound off on some things too.
Not a complaint thread, more of a 'did you intend this'? or just not finished?
It is your 'high level content' and I think it could use a looking at.
Sins of Attrition:
It seems like the extra chests where you weaken a mob boss are not working as was intended. The first one can only be opened if you have the item and the others just show up and can be opened item or not. I assume you originally meant to just have one available? Or the first one is bugged?
The iron golems only activate one or two at a time and most just run towards a wall or down the hallway. Their AI is bonkers.
Talking to the prisoners is odd since they text does not go away after you free them..nor do the prisoners for a few seconds. You have to manually close the chat box. This chat box issue is the same with the first room devil (for the badge). His text box has to be manually closed....while an ambush is attacking you.
The swinging blade traps are not visible from most angles, even when they are hitting you.New Invasion:
This first unfinished item pertains to Bastion of Power as well. The mobs 'notice' you when they obviously were not intended too. All mobs in invasion hear you on the other side of the wall and start running all over the place to get to you. Red nameds sometimes will mean running all over looking for their chest after a kill. This makes red alert a pain for no reason.
Obviously, the same is true of bastion of power.
End fight has many issues with the curse explosion happening for no reason (no portal opening, nothing, just goes off like it was active, even though it was not).
Shrine is sometimes at end, sometimes not. I imagine it was supposed to be for freeing prisoners.
If you wipe at end boss, it may or may not bring you back up.
Freeing prisoners seems to require a high unlock, yet the chest near the drop to the end fight is openable with a knock wand (I rolled a 2 and it opened)?
I hate the beholder in there...Bastion of Power
Lighting runes at end fight, etc, sometimes work, sometimes bug. As intended or unfinished? Not getting that chest is a bummer when you do everything right.
As noted with Invasion, the mobs are activated on any nearby rooms including the ones above you....above you just by jumping up. Portals and all. Makes this a pain with red alert sometimes most of the whole dungeon...even though you are killing everything.
Quartermaster, as noted about the AI spawn, comes from 'nowhere' sometimes and to get his chest you have to look high and low sometimes since he spawned when you where no where near him (pathwise).
Still working on defining a problem with killing 'alert' guards before they can open a portal. Many portals spawn with no guards at all, just by walking in a room (assume you need a guard to activate it?)Genesis Point
There have been times after killing the huge mobs at the stairs (where the giant shrines are) I have been running back to the portal to go upstairs and the entire dungeon if we just walked in. All the trolls by the prisoners, all the orthons, all the casters, a large amount of extra spawns...this only happens once in a while, but it does happen.
I assume some of the levers in the upstairs were supposed to be used for something? So many for no reason....
I have questions as to the logic of the mass teleport at the water in the maze, but will leave that alone as I am tired.
Tower of Despair
Okay, I do not have much here...others might though.
Part 1...many times we are thrown from the jailer even though he does not do any animations (this happens a lot to me as I always seem to have to deal with him.)
Part 2....really? Was it supposed to be a kite fest test?
Part 3.... Power word stun, blind? On high level toons? That is like a 20th level caster using 'scare'.
Dropping in the lava and you are out of quest...? bummer, intended?
ToD sets. Most if not all of these have bugs that seriously crimp their use...definitely, as quoted by a dev, a database issue. Losing all boosts by switching an item, etc. This is a known bug and makes the 'highest level' sets all 'bugged' for years now.
Please fix that stuff.
The outdoor area is rather cool, don't really have anything I noticed out there as far as AI or WAI.