Dislike. Someone justifying thier job.
I feel like I've seen numerous changes to the forums the brief time I've been on them. For classes...Many are grouped together, no seperation would satisfy everyone.... looks like a space saving move was made to me. You can't really sub any of them... they're a pure class unto themself, or a multi.. Split it Melee Specialist Arcane Divine? Where does the Paladin go? Those classes each deserve their own forums...
What about fancy collapsable sub category menus, on the left menu over there <---, so you could clean up your sub menu how you saw fit. Don't wanna see Lamania news.. close that whole section.. wanna look at build? Open the build menu.... When you click on classes... the submenu opens up that reveals the class forums.. Fighter/Cleric/Ranger/Multi etc...
the title's the point... post a good idea and someone will run with it.. I know if in my job someone was like, "Hey, I got a great idea you can use or modify.. Try this". I'd prolly give it a whirl...
*I enjoy my game time.. hope you do too! You could pay me to do it!
Last edited by Garseya; 03-10-2011 at 06:34 PM.
Even the seperation of Arcane and Divine doesn't work because Favored Souls and Clerics play very differently, as do Sorcerors and Wizards.
One forum per class, and one for multi-class builds makes sense - lumping everyone into melee, spell-caster or specialist does not.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
It's still too complicated, why not just condense the entire thing down to:
1. Classes
2. DDO Discussion
3. Guilds (all servers in here of course)
4. Miscellaneous (Anything that doesn't fit into 1, 2, or 3)
Then we can just use the powerful forum search engine to find anything we need.
I utterly hate the changes made to all the class forums.
I'm sure on paper and around the water cooler the idea made some degree of sense... but in reality it has failed and failed hard. Turbine needs to swallow some pride, eat some crow, and put at least the class forums back the way they were.
They are almost punishingly bad to use now... and I pity the new player who tries to find anything in the horrid jumble that is the new system.
Allowing a tag would seem to be fine to me, in front of each post-
Sorc: What to take for limited spell selection
Wiz: How High can I get my DC
Both of those are interesting to both classes, but they may favor/slightly one over the other.
It may be that we the players have to do the tagging ourselves.
Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.
AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.
Apparently this came about due to a DDO character creation screen. Instead of asking themselves if maybe their character startup screen (where they break all the classes up in to melee, specialty and spellcasting groups) was just an utterly stupid idea to begin with, they decided to make the forums emulate this bad design area.
Do. not. want.
This is what happens when you try to fix what isn't broken. You just break it.
The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
Loathe it.
And, unfortunately, the forces of Chaotic Stupid will probably claim victory in the end because traffic will go up.
Because it will be impossible to FIND anything here, every time anyone has a question, no matter how many times it's been asked already, they'll have to launch a new thread.
Of course, nobody will ever ANSWER any of these question threads, but that's not the point of judging your success by an irrelevant metric, is it?
Last edited by Entelech; 03-11-2011 at 11:47 PM.
I'm not enthralled with the new forum design...I preferred the character class specific headings. But it's done for now and if it can't or won't be changed back then I think at least a divine/arcane subfroum is in order. I like playing clerics thus I don't want to wade through wizard/sorceror threads.
Just my two c.p.