Title says it all.
Title says it all.
Good point.
Is that what this is; an April Fools Joke played too early?
It's still the beginning of March Turbine.
April Fools is still a bit aways guys, you jumped the gun.
Sweet. Insta neg repped.
The forum moderators used player feedback to make a change to the forums. It is admittedly not the best change.
You know what I'm enjoying less than the new layout? Wading through the myriad unnecessary posts about how people don't like the set up they've used for less than an hour.
The announcement was up for two days before the change. Change happens, if you can't handle change then it's time to go.
The class categories were kind of stupid before, but they're just as stupid now. This is in part the fault of DDO's awesomeness: many classes are extremely customizable, to the point where (for example) one favored soul build belongs in the "Melee (heavy tank)" and "Healer" categories, while another belongs in the "Offensive Caster" and "Healer" categories.
(New color, since this is a dream sequence): Actually, it would be nice if the categories pertained to roles in a party, and if a thread could belong to multiple categories. Also, there should be sub-categories-- so I could look at *all* "Buffer" topics, or I could focus on "Buffer (Cleric Spells)" topics.
For example, discussion of The Classic Rocker would belong in "Melee (light tank)", "Melee (DPS)", "Healer", "Buffer (Bard)", and "Crowd Control (Song-based)".
What did we get instead? A "Specialist" category that includes a class with obscene melee DPS, a melee/archery class that can specialize in either, and a class that can be either a melee class or a caster class, but which in any event has the absolute most powerful CC ability in the game and the strongest melee buff in the game.
TLDR: If you want to recategorize stuff, Don't lump stuff together for no good reason.