Sorry for the title but I really couldn't come up with a better one. When I was free play, I would save my turbine points to buy the extra adventure packs as many people do. I bought Devil's Assault and have always regretted doing it. I had no idea what the pack was about and the description is very limited. I hated it and very rarely used it.

I was wondering if maybe once in awhile, allow an adventure pack to become free play for like 3 days or so. It would give the free to play players the chance to experience something they haven't. It could also give those who are premium the chance to explore these areas as well. I would have loved the chance to go into the Shroud and the chance for greensteel items. I just thought it would give people a chance to experience an area without having a guest pass or something along those line.

I thought maybe this would help just give more players a chance to hvae a little more fun and allow more players to be available to group.

Just a thought....