/notsigned - illogical easy button
and yes, I am definining logic within the DDO setting, not real life...
I think what you are overlooking is that this is NOT a book. It is a magical tome that essentially casts a spell on you. This isn't some adventure book that is merely words on a page. It is explicitly stated the the tome itself is destroyed in the process like any other magical ingredient, so what is there to bring back for your second/third/ect life?
When you TR you are destroyed and reborn. You have a small memory of your past self buried deep (past life feats) but YOU ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON.
You don't keep all your old knowledge.
You don't keep all your old favor.
You don't keep all your old experience.
You DO keep your items because you inherit them like any other property. BTC items apparently recognise your origins and so are still bound to you.
Please stop asking for easy buttons. TRing is powerful enough as it is. Asking that +4 tomes that have already been eaten transfer over is ridiculous.