Turbine will sell +3 and +4 tomes in the DDO Store before this happens.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
This a classic example of game design requirements (tomes should only be used by one character, and not be passed around) being justified by invented lore.
With DDO already having a mechanism to satisfy that requirement for Raid loot tomes, BtC, there's no reason that bit of lore can't be changed to justify a better game design.
it makes sense to me that I can put things away in a bank vault to get after I reincarnate. However if I am level 1 again with no xp then I would not have any knowledge of tomes read (of course by that logic how would I know where to find the bank that has all my stuff? :P)
It would be nice to keep the tomes read.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
My personal list of reasons of why I think this has not been implemented...
-Turbine would loose money selling +1 and +2 tomes in the DDO store.
That is all. Thank you.
In Pen and Paper D&D, stat tomes always disappear when read. They don't hang around at the local library.
Tomes in PnP can only be used once, by the character that reads them. True Reincarnation makes you someone else, therefore you lose the benefits of the tome that your other previous self read.
It's funny that people can understand the lore of magic making it possible to fly, move really fast and light things on fire but the concept of a single use consumable magic item that can change your physical/mental makeup only working once and once only can't possibly be explained away by lore...
EDIT: Conceptually, lesser and greater reincarnation work differently because they're an in-game lore way to justify a respec of your current character, not a re-do with a completely different self.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
Streaming daily @ twitch.tv/samiusgurobo and youtube.com/samiusgurobo
Co host of Cocktail Hour with Lessah and Samius!
You know, I came in here to grumpily say, "No, that's overpowered/unnecessary/etc.".
But then this convinced me otherwise, at least for bound raid-loot/event-reward +3 or +4 tomes:
No one's saying that it's unbalanced to keep raid and BTC equipment when TRing, and the same arguments apply equally well to tomes.
And I think this is the right (and easiest) implementation:
To be clear, kernal was onal suggesting a way to keep already earned tomes for plat. Tomes should not be purchasable outright for mere plat.
And this would be a great way to mitigate the inflation from the event in a fair way, while staving off the inevitable inflation the game has had inherently.
Ask for a way to scribe a tome. As part of the TR experience or as a separate thing.
You lose the bonus and gain a tome.
Streaming daily @ twitch.tv/samiusgurobo and youtube.com/samiusgurobo
Co host of Cocktail Hour with Lessah and Samius!
Just an example of how they work in 3.5 PnP.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
So if we get to keep our tomes, as a human (for example), I would start at 12 base stats (assuming I ate +4 in all stats) and then get to be a 36 point build (assuming double TR or more) and add +2 to all stats for completionist. I like it, but it won't ever happen because this is just a bit too over powered.
*Edit......This assumes the tomes are applied during the beginning build and not at the appropriate level.
Last edited by mws2970; 03-08-2011 at 03:17 PM.
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
If they have demographic information to support this they might move on it. I wonder what the dollars comparison would be for people buying +2 tomes plus people buying TRs as it is now -vs- people buying tome sets in the store (less) plus people buying TRs (more) if this proposal saw the light of day.
If I was in the decision making chair for this you would have to speak pretty good numbers-ese to convince me. I am banking on the assumption that +2 store tomes sell well. If this is the case, convincing someone in the decision making process to create a situation that takes away from already good money making mechanics for the possability to make it back and then some on something else would be a hard sell. Those projections better look stellar, heh.
Ok so how many rods do I have to sell to re-create the tome I already used on myself before I reincarnate?
While we are being clear, there will always be another cash cow. In game money mechanics are trivial. Turbine, being a for profit business, weighs more in on RL money mechanics to make these types of decisions. As a player you could likely convince me to go along with this. Looking at it through the business perspective, the numbers would tell the story. If they could make more selling TRs than they do selling +2 tomes now, you might see this in the future.