I'm about to hit my 20th completion for HoX, VoD and ToD this weekend and I thought it'd be fun to do a mini-raid train with a good solid group. I've got some experienced guildies coming along for the ride, although I'm not exactly sure how many yet.
However, we'll need two tanks, a kiter (and back-up) and maybe another healer, aswell as a few more DPS, so I thought I'd ask here if anyone would be interested in helping out on this momentous occasion...
Date: Saturday 12/03/2011
Time: 6 PM EST/11 PM GMT
1. Gilders - DPS
2. Reserved - DPS
3. ??? - Healer
4. Cmbtcorpsman (Healer)
5. ?? (Kiter/Recon master)
6. Fullmental (Back-up kiter/ Recon master)
7. ?? (Bard - charmer)
8. ?? (Sulu tank)
9. ?? (Horoth tank/Chew toy???)
10. Reserved (DPS) (Only VoD and HoX)
11. ?? (DPS)
12. ?? (DPS)