In line with the ‘miniskirt rule to posting’, I’ll try to make this just long enough to cover what’s important while keeping it short enough to remain interesting.
Does Turbine want us in guilds? Of course they do. Social connectedness is vital to the process of building a player base. If you think airship buffs and minimum-guild-level gear isn’t designed to encourage you to join, you're kidding yourself.
Vae Soli ("Woe to him who is alone") is a guild for people who don't want to be in one… but are tired of recruitment spam and seeing gear they can't use. We won't use guild chat (please don’t even say hello), we will not plan guild quests or raids, and there will be no site on which to socialize and get to 'know one another'. I have enough RL friends… and, besides, I'm here to play DDO… not meet blokes pretending they're lonely fifteen-year-old girls.
Because we offer no help or advice, and to make membership even less attractive, you'll need a 13th-level-or-higher toon to join... by way of proving you're at least somewhat experienced.
Vae Soli is not just for soloists. I enjoy a good PUG as much as any bloke. It’s for anyone ready to find their own answers. It’s for everyone striving to be the best they can be and proud they did it without hand-outs. We’re not building a social network… just a tag that declares our independence and style of play.
Anyone interested? Anyone at all? Post below or mail Grymace with a list of all names that need an invitation.
Cheers to anyone still reading!
P.S. I get this sinking feeling this is going to be a very exclusive guild... and by exclusive I mean I'll be the only member. What the heck. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.