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  1. #1
    Community Member Gelb's Avatar
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    Default 1 cleric level will not help you!

    I have been seeing a lot of builds like 18 wizard 1 cleric, 19 fighter 1 cleric. When I ask them why they took 1 cleric level, they all tell me they wanted self heal.

    Here's my question, how much can you heal yourself with a cure light wand? And is it going to be fast enough to keep yourself alive even though you take bunch of damage from bunch of mobs end game.

    Multiclassing might sound nice, but please think about the fact that you are sacrificing your capstone, make sure you get something useful out of it.

    I did want self healing on some of my toons, for those who want to self heal as a dps or caster class, I recommend they go human for heal amp and take 2 rogue levels for UMD and use heal scrolls on themselves. It is a better option for many builds. You get attack speed boost + evasion also a little sneak attack damage out of it. Even trap skills, if you wish.

    Enjoy gaming!
    Last edited by Gelb; 03-08-2011 at 06:57 AM.
    • Hellbound Angels, Sarlona•
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  2. #2
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    i like 7 cleric/7 sorc/6 wiz best. ultimate caster

    ah, this is no thread about future killer builds? darmn

    1 clr splashers are usually just new and they thought it was a good idea (read: they tried to understand game mechanics and to adapt). usually they will build differently in further attempts.
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  3. #3
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Well is someone manage to get his toon to Figh19/cl1 maybe it wasnt so painfull as you think.

    Of course 1cl lv splash will not provide any serious healing, however if smb is creating his first toon "just to look around" some crazy splashed builds could be less stresful for him than specialized fighter.

    Other idea: HE cleric dill will also be nice for wand/scroll healing.

  4. #4
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    i once saw a cleric/wizard/rogue. when asked why they responded "so i can hurt and heal at the same time"

    multiclassing don't work that way people. it just don't.

    im sure he quickly learned from his mistake though.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  5. #5
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Adding in the ability to wand heal is an awesome benefit. Wands compared to scrolls or pots, wands win hands down.

    However, I normally splash pally or ranger into fighter builds for self healing and a few tricks to boot. But to each their own on that.

    But, never underestimate the value to wand heal yourself. It is worth that 1 level of divine, be it FvS, Cleric, and in most classes, taking 1 level is worth it. Also with those builds, when you get to 20th and want to do Epics, you will most likely need to LR or GR, and a +1 Heart is not that big a fuss to get.

  6. #6
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    But, never underestimate the value to wand heal yourself. It is worth that 1 level of divine, be it FvS, Cleric, and in most classes, taking 1 level is worth it. Also with those builds, when you get to 20th and want to do Epics, you will most likely need to LR or GR, and a +1 Heart is not that big a fuss to get.
    You can also wand whip with one level of ranger or paladin. So if you feel the need to get the ability to wand whip take a melee class that gets access to wands.

    Heal scroll>any cure wand. That's why UMD, and Helf Dili, is so good.

    Edit: Somehow missed the second line of your post. It's early and I haven't had coffee yet.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  7. #7
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Yea I don't normally decline players for weird builds,, but this one is an exception.. There's just no way to justify it.

    Wizard 13/3 fvs tried to join an difficult elite quest I was leading tonight.. Just had to decline him on build alone, just doesn't make sense.

    Great self healing is achivable on every class. Just how to be smart about how you get there, and avoid gimping your character in the process.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post

    Great self healing is achivable on every class. Just how to be smart about how you get there, and avoid gimping your character in the process.

    And potions > wands especially for a melee in combat as you don't need to swap an item, just chug and swing.
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  9. #9
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post

    And potions > wands especially for a melee in combat as you don't need to swap an item, just chug and swing.
    If you have the money. wands are very much cheaper than pots. however it is all irrelevant if you are dead because you weren't able to heal yourself fast enough.

    personally I both keep pots and give out wands/scrolls to the casters in tough quests. not sure if its cheaper but i make more friends that way. plus i find myself getting healed more often.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  10. #10
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post

    And potions > wands especially for a melee in combat as you don't need to swap an item, just chug and swing.

    but keep in mind potions and wands have completely seperate cooldowns..
    Thus if they are your only source of healing, using both can be effective for stronger burst healing. I found this to be ideal, if not required when running at-lvl Demon queens on my drow sorcerer.

  11. #11
    Words! pie2655's Avatar
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    I hate those builds. Its like my pet peeve. Wizards dont need that! Either go WF AM and take repair spells, OR PM and thats self healing.
    Anyway it just gimps you taking a 1 lvl splash into cleric as a wizard.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I'm on it. Nerfing the new thing asap.
    Also, nerfing the old thing too, for balance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    nnnnnnnmn....Pie is greater than Cake....nnnnnnnnn
    ^^^^didn't need to hypnotize me to make me say that :P ^^^^^^

  12. #12
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Yea I don't normally decline players for weird builds,, but this one is an exception.. There's just no way to justify it.

    Wizard 13/3 fvs tried to join an difficult elite quest I was leading tonight.. Just had to decline him on build alone, just doesn't make sense.

    Great self healing is achivable on every class. Just how to be smart about how you get there, and avoid gimping your character in the process.
    Sworder you normally dont take any other melees but yourself anyway. So its almost a moot point with you. A difficult elite quest at lvl16? Really? Was it one of those quests we were running elite at 13-14 before eu?

    On that note yes would be better served these days taking the cleric dili on a helf. Or using umd to throw scrolls.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lord_of_rage View Post
    Sworder you normally dont take any other melees but yourself anyway. So its almost a moot point with you. A difficult elite quest at lvl16? Really? Was it one of those quests we were running elite at 13-14 before eu?

    On that note yes would be better served these days taking the cleric dili on a helf. Or using umd to throw scrolls.
    one where he smokes the boss in mere nanoseconds anyway *scnr*
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  14. #14
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    To be fair, some of those builds predate Pale Master or WF purchases.

    When you see one around, it's usually because the player didn't have heart to reroll.
    It's usually our first or at least very earliest char, and we tend to grow attached.
    I have a Clr1/Ftr12 myself, and I couldn't bear myself to delete it.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alabore View Post
    To be fair, some of those builds predate Pale Master or WF purchases.

    When you see one around, it's usually because the player didn't have heart to reroll.
    It's usually our first or at least very earliest char, and we tend to grow attached.
    I have a Clr1/Ftr12 myself, and I couldn't bear myself to delete it.
    That's still a fail build. What did that 1 clr give you that 1 ranger or 1 pali would not? (or even 1 rogue for UMD)

  16. #16
    Community Member Gelb's Avatar
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    Default High UMD instead of taking cleric or fvs levels.

    Thanks for all the replies, I think 2 rogue levels are much better than 1 or 2, even 3 or 4 cleric levels. UMD gives you the chance to heal yourself faster and much better. Considering most classes get their 3rd prestige class step at level 18, spending the rest of 2 levels on rogue doesn't sound too bad, unless the capstone's benefits are more.

    Most players with cleric (or fvs) levels I've seen, even with 8 levels of it, cannot self heal so much at all. I think UMD is the best option for self healing dps builds instead of taking divine caster levels and giving up on capstone or prestige classes.

    In most end game quests there will be a healer taking care of the party/raid anyways. So dps classes are supposed to have highest dps they could have, not 8 cleric levels with poor healing and alright dps.

    Also, I'd like to point out that I do believe in healer&fighter builds, I've played one. Pure 20 fvs. Just a few melee feats into it and quicken. I did just fine as a healer or as a dps. Just requires a little bit more gear. Instead of playing builds like 14 fighter, 6 cleric. Players could basically play a 20 cleric or fvs, but take a few dps feats to deal some damage without making odd multiclassing choices
    Last edited by Gelb; 03-08-2011 at 04:18 PM.
    • Hellbound Angels, Sarlona•
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  17. #17
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelb View Post
    Thanks for all the replies, I think 2 rogue levels are much better than 1 or 2, even 3 or 4 cleric levels. UMD gives you the chance to heal yourself faster and much better. Considering most classes get their 3rd prestige class step at level 18, spending the rest of 2 levels on rogue doesn't sound too bad, unless the capstone's benefits are more.

    Most players with cleric (or fvs) levels I've seen, even with 8 levels of it, cannot self heal so much at all. I think UMD is the best option for self healing dps builds instead of taking divine caster levels and giving up on capstone or prestige classes.

    In most end game quests there will be a healer taking care of the party/raid anyways. So dps classes are supposed to have highest dps they could have, not 8 cleric levels with poor healing and alright dps.

    Also, I'd like to point out that I do believe in healer&fighter builds, I've played one. Pure 20 fvs. Just a few melee feats into it and quicken. I did just fine as a healer or as a dps. Just requires a little bit more gear. Instead of playing builds like 14 fighter, 6 cleric. Players could basically play a 20 cleric or fvs, but take a few dps feats to deal some damage without making odd multiclassing choices
    Ooo. wait a sec, Once you pass that 6th level of cleric the rules change. RS, burst, changes the rules, and 8 levels? Why not take 9 and get BB? Makes no sense to stop at 8 unless they were trying for a 12/6 Dual PrE split, and in those cases, it would be 2 monk or 2 rogue thrown in to add evasion feat, which is near a requirement for any self sufficient build, unless it was like a pally/cleric split, but even then, a Pally/Cleric would gain more from 2 monk then 2 more cleric levels. Maybe a 12/8 monk/cleric split, but, still I think 14 monk would be better then 2 more cleric levels, or 11/9 split in that case.

  18. #18
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    back in the day a 9 paladin 1 cleric was teh uberz!

    keyword: back in the day
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
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  19. #19
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    The benefts of one level of cleric for a fleshie are nice.

    since the caster lvl is = to character level for wand usage, you can use guild cure critical wands with no chance of failure.

    Also, if you tandem wands and pots, you can get healing back fast.

    Wands are MUCH cheaper per point of healing than pots, and scrolls, with the chance of failure.

    I do agree though, cleric dilletante is the way to go if you can do that.

    The new player though, the best budget of TP, is a Human ftrx/cleric 1 or any cleric 1 for that.

    It might not be the fastest or the most efficient if you have the TP, but it is the most econimical reason.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    That's still a fail build. What did that 1 clr give you that 1 ranger or 1 pali would not? (or even 1 rogue for UMD)
    Empower Healing for Halfling Dragonmarks? A Command spell that's effective (against the right targets) up to about level 8? Use of Restoration scrolls that doesn't depend upon UMD (and thus can allow you to restore neg levels upon yourself).

    I think the utility from a single Wizard level is better as it grants Stoneskin and 10th level Shield/Blur wands and the Dragonmark Heal is so slow

    1 Clr doesn't compare favourably with the Bard or Paladin capstone imo, but levelling in a static or permadeath group 1 Cleric on a high Charisma character is handy for divine vitalities and wand use. Especially if you don't use rest shrines :P

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