The Well Schooled Favored Soul
Well, we have the healing spec'd FvS, we have the melee spec'd FvS, we have BB spec'd FvS...
But why not a FvS that can be good at casting ALL spells? Divine spells aren't just heals and BB, aren't they?
Enter the Well Schooled Favored Soul.
In short, you kill/cc with your spells, and can do a pretty decent job in the healing department at the same time. You have a high UMD (equipment included). You have ~500hp and ~2300sp endgame. You have solid DC's because of your wisdom and schools, ranging from 36-40, depending on your gear/pots.
- 18 FvS/1 Wiz/1 Mnk
- Human
- 34pt, past life Cleric in my case (32pt is fine too) build
- 10 feats:
Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Necromancy, Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, Spell Focus: Enchantment, Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Heighten Spell, Toughness
1 Wiz = extra metamagic feat
1 Mnk = toughness feat
Human = extra feat
- Base stats: 8 str, 8 dex, 16 con, 10 int, 18 wis, 14 cha.
- End stats:
Str, Dex, Int are irellevant, +6 items and +2 tomes...
Con: 16 base + 6 item + 2(,3,4) tome = 24
Wis: 18 base + 1 Human Adaptability + 2 FvS Wisdom + 2(,3,4) tome + 2 Ocean Stance + 5 Levels + 6 item + 3 ToD ring = 39
Cha: 14 base + 1 Greater Human Adaptability + 3 FvS Charisma + 2(,3,4) tome + 6 item = 26
*you can drop the charisma adaptability bonus and go for constitution
- Enahncements:
All toughness lines, spell pen, stat bonuses, diplomacy and/or human skills boost, life magic, energy of the scion
*you can take Sovereign Host heal enchancement and drop it later , it's a free early game heal spell with 10 min cd, kinda useless later
- Skills:
Diplomacy, Concentration and UMD
- Spells:
It all boils down to Heal, Mass Heal, Greater Command (your mass CC), Destruction (your killer), Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Blade Barrier (maximized killer/kiter). And every possible buff spells. Other are per your liking.
*you only have 1 lvl 9 spell, so it's either Mass Heal or Energy Drain, you can heal pretty good without the Mass Heal if you have the right equipment, plus there is probably another healer nearby with the capacity to cast it. Implosion is just weak in my opinion, especially with it's cooldown.
- Equipment:
Feet - Gyroscopic Boots or any +30% speed boots
Left Ring - ToD ring +1 Exceptional Cha/Con, upgraded to Greater Devotion VIII
Right Ring - ToD ring +1 Exceptional Wisdom, upgraded to +2 Exceptional Wisdom
Bracers - any +6 strength
Gloves - Gloves of the Glacier for Efficient Metamagic: Maximize II
Cloack - any Charisma +6
Belt - any Constitution +6
Armor - Dragontouched Robe with Greater False Life, Wisdom +6 and Greater Spell Pen VIII
Necklace - any Superior Potency +6 from ToD
Head - Minos Legens for Toughness and Fortification 100%
Trinket - Stormreaver's Napkin
Weapon - Staff of the Petitioner for +2 Necromancy, +2 Enchantment and Spell Penetration 8
Random items: Bauble, Ring of Spell Storing, Torc, Twisted Talisman, Eardweller, Big Top, Golden Cartouche...
*this setup may wary, you can get +7 stat items with epics, you can get littany, and those new item sets from fens etc. Point is, you can push the limits even further.
Any comments are welcome.