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  1. #1
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Throwind Weapons speciality needs some love

    I think it's time to give some love to throwing weapons and to those who would like to go that way with their characters.

    The only race that have something for thrown weapons is the halfling race. The have enhancements to add +3 to hit and damage, but that's all. I will exclude Monks and Returning Shurikens here. Everything else (feats) is available for everyone so there's no gain.

    I'll compare quickly a halfling with some other races we can choose. The class is fighter.

    A Halfling start with 16 str, but most other races srart with 18, or even 20 . For 18, that's the first tier of your enhancements already consumed, and for 20, that's 2 tiers. That means a halfling thrower dosn't really have a +3/+3 bonus, but a +2/+2 bonus and even +1/+1 compared to the race that start with 20 str and Half Orc even have enhancements boosting their str which means the bonus is completely negated.

    A Halfling who would like to take all thr throwing enhancements would have to spend a huge total of 24 action points for +3 to hit and +3 damage and a Half Orc would only have to spend 6 to be equal. I think it's time to review those enhancements and reduce their cost from 2/4/6 to 1/2/3 and maybe adding a fourth step, or each step gives a bonus of +2 instead of +1. Also I suggest adding enhancements tied to the Quick Draw feat. Something like 2 APs for an extra 5% attack speed with throwing weapons and then 4APs for another 5%. Something else that have already been suggested is a "Manyshot like" feat but tied to throwing weapons. The Brutal Throw feat was a step in the good direction, let's continue that way.

    This would give the players an alternative that have actually some real dps because right now, someone who builds a throwing weapons specialist is mostly only doing it for fun because you're far away in terms of dps compared to anything else.

    These changes wouldn't be huge and shouldn't take much dev time. Let's see what everyone else opinions about this.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Rakian_Knight's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Their is a class in Complete Warrior that translates well in my opinion from pen and paper to ddo. I make a post a while ago about making a Halfling Master Thrower PrE since all they plan to do for Halflings racial is the Dragonmark PrE. I agree that thrown weapons need some love and I think this might be a solution to some of it but not all. After all this would make throwers Halfling only if you wanted to be any good like how Arcane Archer would be if you couldn't get it as a ranger.

    Power gamers won't bite and most of them will think its a waste of time because the numbers won't add up to be the best but for those who don't want to be the best but want to have fun I think Throwers would be fun for them. Also link to the Halfling Master Thrower in my Signature.
    A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
    Argonesson: Nexal / Dolgos / Golgos / Earie / Nexas
    Threads: Halfling PrE, Master Thrower / New set of spells: Illusion

  3. #3
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Make a dwarven thrower build. Axe enhacements for the throwing axes. Higher starting STR and CON. The plus side is when the mobs get close you put down your little axe and pull out your big axe and still get the benifits of your weapon enhancements.
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
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