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There a lot of character options that need a lot of work. Two that stand out are Sword and Board and Ranged. We all know they need help (well, those in the cookie cutter coalition probably don't agree). What I would like to ask the dev’s is stop the DPS arms race. The solution to everything doesn’t have to be increased DPS, yet that seems to always be the answer.
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I would really like to see Sword and Board made relevant in this game (e.g. make it an actual tank, not just a damage dealer with a bunch of hit points). I think there are several ways of doing this, but in my opinion they should not increase DPS. One thing I think is needed is passive stackable shield DR, and I mean real DR (e.g. 15 – 25+).
Of course, now you have the problem that you have a great DR, but no one is trying to hit you. So you need to increase agro somehow (intimidate is an obvious choice, but I like there to be several paths to the same goal, so what else…? Not certain but here are some ideas). 1) Give Shields some passive hate (need to be careful to not unbalance intimidate). 2) Allow shield users to use shield block (or similar) to provide area DR (say 10 - 15) to fellow combatants drawing agro (yeah, makes no since in the real world, but then we all stand next to each other swinging greataxes and never hit a good guy, so realism was thrown out a long time ago).
You could also have shields proc other things (e.g. crowd control, but personally I think they should stick with the Tank
I'm gussing people will flip over the high DR I'm proposing, but really, at the cost of a weapon (or half)? Overpowering? Not likely.
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Ranged users have the same basic problem. Please, don’t try to make them a DPS equivalent. Try something else. Crowd control is an obvious choice. Give them more ability to do the equivalent of hold, knockdown, hamstring, DR reduction, and make the DC’s based on the ranged combatants abilities not just some static DC of an item (e.g. base it off of a stat, or even a skill).
Of course, you could also give them more one shot kill ability. This has the problem of marginalizing that ability of the Arcane. It would have to be more complicated (e.g. hold first then kill shot, or some such balance).
They key would be some of these abilities would have to translate to bosses, or they aren’t viable. E.g. slow the bosses attack, reduce the bosses DR, things like that.
The nice thing here is Many shot would give them a bit of spice.
I've given some suggestions, they may or may not be workable, but the core idea is there. Find other answers than DPS to make characters viable in the game. Variety of the life blood of a game, so go out there and make some.