I'm looking for some enchantment advice for my HO rogue 13/fighter 6/monk 1. There are too many good AP's and not enough points to go around. Looking for the most efficient distribution with a priority toward melee DPS.
Required APs for PRE's:
Acrobat II - 26 (includes Dex III and Haste Boost II)
Kensi I - 11
No Brainer AP's:
Monk Fire +Air I - 2
HO Toughness II - 3
Fighter Toughness II - 3
HO Str I - 2
Fighter Str I - 2
HO Melee Damage I - 2
Total so far is 51 AP spent, leaving 29 AP
Other AP's I'm interested in:
HO Melee Damage II - 4
HO PA - 1/3/6
Haste Boost III/IV - 3/7
SA Accuracy - 1/3/6/10
SA Training - 1/3/6/10
HO Str II - 4
Fighter Str II -4
HO Action Boost - 1/3/6
Rogue Action Boost - 2
Fighter SB - 1/3
Non-combat AP's to get to an even 80:
Item defense I - 1
Improved trap sense I - 1
Skill boost I - 1
Background Info. I am currently even on my Str, requiring both HO and Fighter Str II to get to an even number. I have no equipment based threat reduction (yet). I have +5 SA goggles (and the new epic gloves with +4 SA). No madstone boots or titan gloves (yet). I have trouble hitting in epics and use a Rahl's might for improved destruction in those situations. (I worry that the HO PA enhancements are counter-productive at this point.) My feat list includes quick-change.