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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default AP advvice for a HO Acrobat II / Kensi I


    I'm looking for some enchantment advice for my HO rogue 13/fighter 6/monk 1. There are too many good AP's and not enough points to go around. Looking for the most efficient distribution with a priority toward melee DPS.

    Required APs for PRE's:
    Acrobat II - 26 (includes Dex III and Haste Boost II)
    Kensi I - 11

    No Brainer AP's:
    Monk Fire +Air I - 2
    HO Toughness II - 3
    Fighter Toughness II - 3
    HO Str I - 2
    Fighter Str I - 2
    HO Melee Damage I - 2

    Total so far is 51 AP spent, leaving 29 AP

    Other AP's I'm interested in:
    HO Melee Damage II - 4
    HO PA - 1/3/6
    Haste Boost III/IV - 3/7
    SA Accuracy - 1/3/6/10
    SA Training - 1/3/6/10
    HO Str II - 4
    Fighter Str II -4
    HO Action Boost - 1/3/6
    Rogue Action Boost - 2
    Fighter SB - 1/3

    Non-combat AP's to get to an even 80:
    Item defense I - 1
    Improved trap sense I - 1
    Skill boost I - 1

    Background Info. I am currently even on my Str, requiring both HO and Fighter Str II to get to an even number. I have no equipment based threat reduction (yet). I have +5 SA goggles (and the new epic gloves with +4 SA). No madstone boots or titan gloves (yet). I have trouble hitting in epics and use a Rahl's might for improved destruction in those situations. (I worry that the HO PA enhancements are counter-productive at this point.) My feat list includes quick-change.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    monk fire and air are free, aren't they?

    anyways, what are you fighting in epics that is so hard to hit? all the trash should be held, and most bosses don't seem to have *that* high of an AC.

  3. #3
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    I have noticed misses on rolls other than a 1 against the bosses in epic big top and VON 1 before hitting with an improved destruction weapon. Any miss on a 2 or more is significant lost DPS. (With SA, average non-crit is about 110 damage, so each +1 to hit would be worth 5-6 damage, on average, if needed to hit on a 2).

    Also, I have a decent stunning blow DC so hitting while holding a +10 stunning weapon is important against trash at times. Speaking of which, fighter SB enhancements are also an option at 1/3 AP.

    As stated in my original post, I am worried that PA enhancements are counter productive due to the additional to-hit penalties. I want to keep PA on at all times, particularly in epics in auto-crit situations. Its cumbersome to be turning it on and off. It is also relevant whether SA Accuracy enhancements are worthwhile.

    RE monk fire and air I, I went off the wiki for the costs. I don't remember if I had to purchase them last time I respect. Free is good though.

  4. #4
    Community Member Malithar45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardgellor View Post
    RE monk fire and air I, I went off the wiki for the costs. I don't remember if I had to purchase them last time I respect. Free is good though.
    No chance to log onto my monk atm, but you start with the Initiate stances I believe. The AP's you'd be spending would be on the Adept stances, which offhand, only give you access to the T2 strike for 1d8 damage. The Initiate stances are about the same IIRC, same stat bonuses, just access to the 1d6 strike with them.
    Since it actually works now: Malothar

  5. #5
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    hmmm... seems odd. try packing around some scrolls of waves of exhaustion maybe? should help you hit targets. a bit pricey, but not all casters carry that spell anymore (there's this weird line of thinking that it's only any good if it slows down dungeon/raid bosses, when really the other effects are already quite powerful!)

  6. #6
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    monk fire and air are free, aren't they?

    anyways, what are you fighting in epics that is so hard to hit? all the trash should be held, and most bosses don't seem to have *that* high of an AC.
    Tier 1 stances are free. Tier 2 stances aren't available until MNK 6.

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