So I've had the Restless Isles pack now for some time, but FINALLY grew to the level required for at LEAST normal runs of the place. NOW, I tried soloing for a bit with a hire, just here n there to see the place, and was slaughtered once... havent gone in since... Considering this, and the fact that I've almost NEVER seen LFM posts for Twilight Forge runs, I'm in great desperation to get in there and have a look see. I'd love to do at least a normal run, would LOVE the xp, and am not really concerned with what is to be said about how good or bad the adv pack is. Just a guy looking for anyone willing to help out with this quest chain and the raid(at LEAST on norm).
I live in Puerto Rico and its 3 minutes till 3am over here, so if anyone is interested give me a time to be ready for a run if we need to work around a time difference and i'll do what i can.
Reply here, or tell/inbox my mains/others
Mains(generally speaking)