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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010

    Default Would like advice for GS cloak

    Hi Everybody,

    I am in the planning stages for TR'ing my Assassin Rogue into......another Assassin Rogue. For the most part I just really enjoyed her first life, and am thinking with improvements to build and with the better equipment I already have (and am planning to still make before the TR) the next one should be even more fun.

    One of the pieces I'm going to make is a GS + dex skills hit-point cloak. I don't have the Mabar cloak, and might eventually make an epic one when/if the festival comes back, so let's not debate that here (please).

    At this point I'd like some help deciding between:
    Air/Air/Air Haste Air Guard
    Fire/Air/Fire-Air Displacement 20% perma-blur (dual shard)

    Any suggestions? At this point I'm leaning toward the first option, cheaper, etc.


  2. #2
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    I have the air guard on a toon, and I rarely see the guard go off and the haste or speed proc from it was an even lower rate. I would vote against this. If you just want a haste clicky fine, but dont count on that guard as whenver I have seen someone post about it they've had similar experiences.

    As far as your second choice while a dust guard is nice, if/when the mabar event comes back you can use that cloak to have the 20% blur effect and some other nice bonuses.

    Instead I would recommend saving your larges for items you can't acquire otherwise in game on items, or perhaps a min2/hp cloak or radiance guard if you have not already done so on another item.
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
    @>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@

  3. #3
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
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    While the air guard is cheapter, it also doesn't really benefit you much so I would suggest that you save up ingredients a little longer and either make your second option (Smoke-HP Cloak).

    If you don't mind my asking, why dex skills? Another good option for you could be a Mineral II Hit Point Cloak, which may save you some gear slots at some point by covering both your hit point item and heavy fort. It gives con skills (concentration), but outside of an int skills/cha skills item I can't think of any +skills shroud accessory that would serve a purpose.

    The mabar cloak is nice, but many people overrated it when the event was here and went through the grind of making it for toons that don't fully benefit from the cloak. The Mabar cloak is a good item, don't get me wrong, but it won't give you that 45 hit points that a shroud cloak will, so I'd focus on getting a greensteel hit point item over waiting for the Mabar cloak anyday. In addition, the shroud cloak will help you to level from level 11 on, while you'd either have to make 4 different Mabar cloaks for different levels or you'd have to wait til level 20.

    If you really are set on + Dex Skills, then I'd say that the smoke is clearly the superior option. Air Guard/Haste Guard aren't very good and they tend to benefit ac toons more than anything else just because the haste proc will add another temporary +1 stacking dodge bonus to ac. Aside from this one caveat I'd say that it's worthless outside of being cheap, like you said. I have 2 toons that I've made Smoke Hp cloaks and I don't regret it for either one. Sure, you COULD get blur from any caster or bard, but having perma blur can save your caster the sps that he'd otherwise have to spend on you. In addition, it negates incoming damage, which can prove important for rogues who often have hps on the lower end of the spectrum for melee combatants. For dex skills, make the smoke; if you're into other options, consider a Mineral II for possible slot consolidation for later on.
    Dreadbringer::DreadEngine::DreadCountes::DreadWarrior::DreadMaster::PinkyDiddles::Lennal::DreadMistres::DreadMatron::DreadCherub::DreadKing::More Coming!

  4. #4
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    I always go radiance Guard cloak on my rogues. Radiance weapon, Lightning strike weapon, radiance HP item. Money.
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010


    great feedback/advice everybody.......

    after reading the replies, I am now leaning toward making a radiance guard cloak, most likely:

    Tier 1: Fire/Dex skills
    Tier 2: Positive/Con skills
    Tier 3: Fire/Dex skills
    second shard: Positive/Con skills

    It's good to hear that the air guard doesn't proc that often (or isn't effective), that helps with my decision. I'm also planning on making a radiance II rapier for this toon before TR, I guess it will be a while for me to farm all the larges.

    Regarding the dex skills, I just feel they will help this character better.....balance is always good, same with all the hide-related skills and open lock. I don't mind losing the middle tier to con skills in order to get the radiance guard.

    My guess to the answer of this next question is "yes":

    If I do end up with a Radiance II Rapier and Radiance Guard Cloak, this just means that the blindness affect will proc even more times, right?

  6. #6
    Hero dTarkanan's Avatar
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    Radience guard will proc from you being hit, while radience rapier procs on your criticals, so slightly different
    Since concentration is almost meaningless (I guess scrolls?) it might make more sense with the radience guard to make good the bottom tier and then the 2nd tier fire- you'll get an extra +1 to dex from it.
    Like you, I like the extra dex skill best out of any of the options- being a flippin' rogue is fun and thematic, and extra open lock will help on some epics/help you avoid swapping out alltogether.

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