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  1. #1
    Community Member etelan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Let us use weapon clickies please!

    Anytime an item in a weapon set has a clicky that clicky is not usable! Having to double hotbar all of my weapons is such a drag and THF builds don't have to deal with this problem. In order of preference...

    solution 1 (best):
    if main hand has clicky
    -if off hand has clicky and main hand has 0 charges
    --then display off hand clicky
    -else display main hand clicky
    else if off hand has clicky
    -then display off hand clicky

    solution 2 (off-hand clicky is only usable if it's the only clicky or the same clicky):
    if main hand has clicky
    -if off hand has same clicky
    --then add charges and display
    -else display main hand clicky
    else if off hand has clicky
    -then display off hand clicky

    solution 3 (off-hand clicky is only usable if it's the only clicky)
    if main hand has clicky
    -then display main hand clicky
    else if off hand has clicky
    -then display off hand clicky

    At least for me 95% of the time either only 1 weapon has a clicky in the set or they both have the same clicky.
    Last edited by etelan; 03-06-2011 at 09:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    To simplify, why dont they have a short 2 slot hot bar that displays the current weapon set that will let you access the clickies, so when you swithc weapon sets it shows those weapon. Or let us drag the two buttons from the inventory sheet to a hot bar.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I have enough hotbars. When I want to use a clicky on a weapon I hit I, then click it from inventory, then hit I again.
    It's much easier than placing even more shortcuts on hotbars because no matter which weapons I have equipped, the clicky is always in the exact same place.

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