^ The link to the planned construction.
Couple questions: I have read in some places that the exceptionals stack, and in others that they do not. Which is correct?
If they do not stack, I might modify it. This item has not *yet* been crafted, and I was hoping to get some imput as to the planned status.
The Taint of Shavarath (however it's spelled...) I have read only affects you negatively if you have two or more equipped. Is this true, and having only one uncleansed item is totally fine for my HPs?
*********Yes one item is fine
Before you say, "build an HP item first" note that I would rather the SP and the wisdom exceptionals, so I can improve my Wisdom score (I'm also looking for a +4 wisdom tome, but that's a long-term goal...) and get even more SP. My second item will probably be an HP item.
*******it adds wisdom *SKILLS* not wisdom read more carefully
Note that this is for my L20 character, Habreno, on Argonessen (myDDO him if you want to see him. Keep in mind he's not going to be TRed, and is a 28 point elf. The only way I will modify him is if I hit 1750 favor, I will try and GR him into a 32 point build) and will not be passed down to other TRs. Therefore I can leave some things out.