Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
I'd take them just because my fun is not necessarily your fun. We will both get the quest done, your run may just be more efficient.
I can bet my run will be much more entertaining though.
I'm just sayin.
Hard for me to be an elitist prick, I'm still too much of a n00b for it.....many here will confirm this diagnosis.
Entertainment is subjective.
I really like the Amrath content pack - its my favorite in the game. I join PUGs to go run it when I'm bored sometimes, with no other reason than I have nothing better to do, and its fun. I flagged like 4 people the other day getting roped into that.
So my entertainment, and the entertainment of the Party Leader.. I guess would be, as you label it, "efficiency".
Although I will say, as typing this, it has occurred to me... it is worse to decline a player for somewhere they clearly don't belong, or it is worse to bring them because we have now trivialized their existence to nothing but a token chuckle? Food for thought.
Also, still surprised that this thread is still going on. I expected a couple of Sarlonians to chime in, and for this to die off. Guess I'm not helping much by hitting the "Submit Reply" button, though...
I'd look for one of those "die thread" pictures, but I'm feeling lazy.
I generally only use myddo as a tool when I notice somebody is way underperforming. That way I can at least provide them with some information.
Using it in such a fashion has often led to me a point of "OH SO THAT'S WHY..."![]()
I did this once in an EV6 where our Cleric died just as we were leaving Ice Base, and proceeded to die some 8 times after that. Came to find out that, fully geared and unbuffed, he had a marvelous 200 HP... @ level 20. Of course, after the first death, removal of temp buffs and the death penalty put him sub-200, so just about anything would kill him outright. Not surprised to say that his saves were also atrocious, and assisted in his multiple trips to Dorluhh.
There are a lot of sub 300 hp clerics out there. Way too many. They dump con for high wisdom and charisma. I've seen more then one go down in the blades on part 4. I've handed out some +2 con tomes, taps for minos, etc. There's also some fair amount of sub 200 hp arcanes.
There are a lot of good players out there, but they just don't have the knowledge, aren't in a named guild, or even in a guild that shares information like that. Some are just determined to grind it out with their weaknesses (until they can TR is many cases that I've heard players talking about).
To this day I have never once looked someone up on myDDO before accepting or denying them into a group.
On the other hand, I have declined people:
- With whom I have personally experienced badness
- That do not speak English (on a very few specific high-communication quests, normally it doesn't matter)
- Who are anonymous but are not clerics
I don't start PUG groups as often as I did in the past. When I do I am usually filling slots in a guild run. Maybe it is easier for me because I am pretty confident we are going to win based solely on the guild members already in the group.
And I grant the point that pickiness is more appropriate for certain Elite runs even if only as a favor to the healers.
Just following on from the general theme of this thread.
I have noticed quite a few under performing players joining PUG epic groups I've been in since the birthday event.
My DDO shows them to have low HP's, mediocre gear, questionable stat spreads, less than 100% fortification etc.
My DDO also shows them with a nice shiny epic item from the event, which they are probably just starting to collect tokens to slot something in and which probably makes them think they are epic ready.
It's quite frustrating when you find that someone who has been accepted into your group to fulfill a specific role, cannot do so.
It's even worse when there's more than one of them.
I think My DDO is a good tool for helping a group leader fulfill their responsibility to the team by only accepting competent applicants.
Last edited by Astraghal; 03-08-2011 at 04:41 PM.
+1 for a funny thread - Well, since I can't rep it's an imaginary +1 but meh, the sentiment right?
Since everyone else has had their turn on the soapbox, I'll be a good lemming and follow the crowd.
I don't myddo people for a couple of reasons.
1> I dont need to. If I bother to LFM it's because im tired of talking to my hireling on voice and he/she not talking back. The quest is most likely going to get done one way or another whether other people join or not and regardless of how many times they die.
2> Akin to #1 - I don't need the perfect build/player to fill the perfect spot in my perfect group so that the quest runs perfectly because I don't want to waste the time waiting and because I'm not that weak of a player in terms of skill, mental capacity, or problem solving ability, that I have to do things 1 specific way because I suffer from tunnel vision and/or lack of imagination. Does everyone who uses myddo fall into this category? No, of course not, but some of you exist. Some of you however, might fall into #3
3> "but omgzorz i HAVE to get X EPIC ITEM bEcUAz mY 30 tR bIlD pLaN nEeDz iT aN i HaVe 40 iTemZ i NEEEDzoRz sO i nEeD tHe pErFeCt gRp tO dO iT fAzT wItH sO i hAz MOAR cHaNcEz aT MOAR uber lEwTz sO i CaN hAz nOtHiNg ElSeZ tO aSpIrE tOoO!"
^ Yeah ok so I can somewhat understand and relate to #3 but personally, I'm in no rush to get ALL the uber leet epic stuff as there's nothing left at that point. Sure, we could all make 20 toons (at last count i've got 12) and multiple TR all of them and fill every precious slot on them with epic augmented items and walk through most elite content solo and 1 shot everything but what's the point? Maybe it's just a change of view after having played this game so long and somewhere along the lines realizing the silliness of placing so much import on my virtual pixel khopesh of E-peen.
All in all, alot of people need to either get outside more, buy a puppy, buy a sensible car and take a drive, actually get some play skill, or just stop pugging and find a group of people as leet as themselves so that they never have to pug again. Of course you can always just go solo with a hireling and pat yourself on the back every now and then about how uber you are but take my word for it - it gets old.
Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin
Equipment > play skill
Or is it
Play skill > equipment
I forget (**** tasty delicious beer)
I Like Waffles.......and Syrup!