Wow. This thread has been getting a lot of love while I've been asleep.
So I'm starting to see some differing opinions here:
1. Using MyDDO to screen people is bad.
I've heard something like this before; why exactly? As long as its up-to-date (you can check that at the bottom right of the window), why not utilize a tool that is at least a snapshot of a toon's life?
2. Being even remotely picky when doing a level 21 quest is bad.
Eh? Okay, granted, this is a "soloable" quest. Of course, the fact that it being in the "Achievements" thread any time someone does so on Elite tells me that its at least worth *something*. Could we have short-manned it? Probably. But I like full parties, and so does the guy who had the Star. It seems irresponsible to accept anyone and everyone who applies for running Elites of the highest-level non-epic content pack in the game (and indeed, a content pack that has been described as "harder than some Epics").
3. If a player is that bad off they
A. Are "Pro", and know exactly what they're doing with such a substandard build,
B. Are in need of help, and somehow in 1.9 Million XP no one told them what they needed to hear. or
C. Have been told in that 1.9 Million XP that they are squishy/not contributing/hard to heal/general noobness.
4. Leaving this player out of the party was good because they were an unnecessary liability to what should be an open-and-shut quest with proper builds and tactics, and our healer thanks us.
I tend to agree with this; we didn't take the quest at a superfast pace, and I think we only say DA Green maybe twice? 1 Death by another PUGer, he ressed up and was right as rain after some rebuffs. Our Wizzy's Dancing Balls/Mass Hold Monsters were set up quickly, and at the point of combat, and between that and at least two different people utilizing Stunning Blow and Improved Trip, the Crowd was effectively "controlled". However, I think our method of doing things, which still involved taking a couple of hits every now and then, would have been contrary to the Ranger's contribution, as his chances of survival in such a situation seem... low. Especially when a failed save on a trap resulted in ~350 damage, more than his max HP amount.
So.. I suppose in saying this, I've made my opinion on the matter known. I wasn't the one who denied him, but I certainly don't blame the guy that did (if you notice, he's posted here in this thread twice now).
To those who say "I would have taken him":
1. I posted this right before we actually started the quest, 10:45 PM EST on Saturday. One might assume that the player is an adult in the North America region with standard play times.
2. The party was open simply as "Sins of Attrition" under the Quest Panel, and Elite as the detail notes.
3. I encourage each and every one of the two of you to hop onto Sarlona this evening, and pop up your own LFM for Sins Elite. Heck, run it 3-4 times with all sorts of new people.
4. You can have, at most, *1* other person in there you know and trust. The other 4 must be complete strangers to you. The other 4 must participate throughout the entirety of the quest.
And well.. we'll just see how things go, yes?