How much would it cost to buy EVERY single page in the Necro IV area? I don't want to farm them due to the fact I absolutely hate Necro IV and I will not run a single quest there, let alone touch the explorer area.
i have 3 ill sell you![]()
Before CC each cost about 1 million plat. After CC? I have no idea.
These are Thelanis prices, btw.
They're that rare?
Shoot...well, until my % of completing a shroud pug increases quite a bit from my current win/fail percentage of 30%, im not likely to have stuff to trade for them, besides plat.
I partially blame Turbine for the unreasonably low drop rates, but at the same time, when Necro IV came out, this was when Turbine really had it in the dumpster, since updates were delayed massively, profit was scarce if not negative, and things overall weren't too good. So I suppose it's kinda excusable the prices are that high.
i've bought a number of them from between 375k and 500k plat. There could be a little inflation in them for a few weeks as the plat flattens back out from the event.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Hmmm...interesting. At the very minimum then, at 375K plat per page, times 8, we're looking at a total of 3 million plat or so for a whole set. It's one hell of a price to pay at the bare minimum, im probably going to need to pay 4 million plat if that. But its worth paying that much to avoid BS runs.
Or, I could just get a greenblade instead, that pretty much gives me all that I desire off of skiver. I tend to see ADQ runs from time to time on my server, so maybe ill get a chance.
Knight, what is it about necro IV that you don't like? I find them the most enjoyable of the necro series. Not to mention that Litany of the Dead is some dang yummy XP! I will admit that Inferno of the Damned can be annoying, but other than that the quests aren't bad.
Id want something like a red + large scale for the 3, or 1 large scale per.
Maybe a +3 heart or something. Anything reasonably fair.
I farm Litany often and the pages drop fairly frequently. My advice to you would be to flag for Litany then ransack the easy chests every week. The whole thing takes about 15 mins to solo on normal and that was on a 28 point barb with hireling.
If you do want to buy the pages then what Varr said is right. Expect somewhere between 300k and 1m plat per page.
Heh... I need to run with you Ninja. I've been averaging about 1 page per 10 completions. And *nothing* drives you crazier than that new page you see in the chest being one of the ones you already have. >:-\
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
Nooby McNoobsalot
Ghallanda Rerolled
I believe the drop rate is a 1 in 10-12. Seems right to me. So does take a ton of farming.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
What I've observed in terms of drop rate. All this was done solo so it's not as much data as if there was a full group.
1st wiz TR. 12 litany runs on N. Killed each boss 3 times. Zero tome pages.
2nd wiz TR. 12 litany runs on N. Killed each boss 3 times. Zero tome pages.
1st pally TR. 8 litany runs on N. Killed each boss twice, except that beholder which I only did once. 1 tome page.
My conclusion: Darn, these things are hard to get.
Greebles, Kyarane, Shandria, Grinhold, Alacya, Manufactured: Cannith