I think the event really highlighted how much improvement the ddo interface needs particularly in regards to item management, hotbars, clickies, etc

For instance when the torches run out the item was removes from your hotbar. Then when you picked up more you had to either drag them to the hotbar again or use them from your inventory which takes up a significant portion of the screen.

The way it should work is that if a consumable is placed on the hotbar it should stay there even if you have none in your inventory. It should be grayed out and unusable but it should stay there ready for you to get more.

Also in addition to buffs ticking in the upper right of the screen the buff timer should also appear on the hotkey for the buff. That way you can quickly tell when the buffs you can cast run out. The same should go for clickies and consumables.

And finally there really needs to be unique icons for every spell, item, ability. If you crowdsourced it im sure the community would develop a full set of amazing icons in no time at all.

And I think a longer term goal should be a way for users to create skins for the ddo interface. I think everyone can agree that the interfaces look a bit dated and an easy way to keep up would be to let users skin their interface however they want.