Once again I feel like the guys in this video, but for some reason here I am again. I want someone to convince me that AAs are anything but a waste of a raid slot. I'm still of the belief that the most effective AA builds are either pure Ranger or a 18/1/1 build (probably fighter/wiz/monk or fighter/wiz/rogue). Unfortunately, neither of these builds have enough DPS to justify them over melee (Quick Note: Burst DPS doesn't count a lick unless everything's dead at the end of the 20 seconds and once you hit Vale it rarely is), enough damage avoidance to justify them over an AC monk, or enough utility to choose them over...well anyone that can use a bow. Which unfortunately means AAs are used by only players who only play it for flavor.
I believe it's near impossible to make a toon that uses a bow that isn't squandering considerable potential to do so. And I believe one of the biggest reasons is because of the feat requirements.
- AA Prereqs -
WF: Ranged
MT (or something similar)
- Must Haves -
Many Shot
Rapid Shot [MS prereq]
- Should Haves -
Bow Strength (which requires Power Attack)
IC: Ranged
Toughness (practically a must have for any toon)
Melee feats for use between Many Shot
So there we have it, 10 feats (before melee feats). Every single basic feat plus 3. Or you can skip the should haves and still have room for 2 class-related feats. So let's see where this leads us.
- DPS options -
Ranger - the most obvious choice for an AA. The only class that gives the option to use a race other than elf or half-elf. All the ranged feats AND all the TWF feats you need. Just enough room to squeeze in the other feats to have a pretty solid archer (on paper). The spells also give some depth and self-sufficiency, but in the end the DPS isn't sufficient and you'll spend most of your time either (A) kiting mobs waiting for Many Shot to recharge or (B) go into melee and give up the archer's best attribute; the ability to avoid damage.
Fighter - the second obvious choice. The abundance of feats allows the toon to have more DPS than a Ranger AA. The opportunity cost is self-heals and some important self-buffs like FOM, resists, and protects. With an 18ftr/1wiz/1mnk build you get a total of 19 feats to play with. I believe that gets you close to all you need, but in the end you still have to choose between melee and range as your primary mode of combat; you can't get all the weapon specs for both. The DPS here and HP is much higher here, but it's still lacking when compared to melee. Most combat happens at melee range and while it's good to have a plan for dealing with range, a better plan is a Tempest with a bow or a sorc with a ray spell than a fighter AA.
Rogue - Probably the highest ranged DPS you can get. If you could manage to get all the feats you needed. With only 7-9 feats (pure vs 18/1/1) to work with though, you're going to have to make cuts to ranged feats that a ranger or fighter wouldn't and nearly completely neglect melee.
Barb - See rogue
- Caster AAs -
Divine - A viable option, I'll admit it. But again, the feats get in the way. You only have room for 2-4 feats to increase your healing and survivability. Plus melee still does more damage and requires less feats to be effective. Use those feats to specialize in healing a bit more and you won't care about the extra damage you're taking from being up close and personal.
Sorc/wiz - I kind of don't see the point. Wizards get some more feats which makes it a bit easier to fit in the ranged ones, but your firewall or TOD should be your weapons. Or go WF and hop into melee if you wanna get your hands dirty.
Bard - More or less the same as sorc/wiz.
- The Others...for the sake of being thorough -
Pally - No real benefit I can see to a ranged pally.
Monk - Uncentered.
So as you can see, I don't see an convincing gameplay arguments to playing an AA. I've experienced how much fun they are, but that doesn't change the fact that they are outshined in nearly every category by some other class or build.
Is there something I'm missing? I really hope there is.