I happen to have a large bunch of greataxes, khopeshes, and other stuff for sale and trade. Looking for most of the same items everyone else is. First come, first served as always
+4 GA of Greater Abberation Bane
+1 Cursing GA of Greater Construct Bane
+1 Axiomatic Burst GA of Greater Construct Bane
+4 Thundering GA of Greater Gnoll Bane
+1 Cursing GA of Greater Human Bane
+2 Shocking Burst GS of Greater Dragon Bane
+1 Acid GS of Greater Undead Bane
+2 Ghost Touch GS of Greater Dragon Bane
+1 Holy Maul of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane(RR Dwarf, Level 8)
+1 True Chaos Scimitar of Greater Undead Bane
+2 Khopesh of Greater Elemental Bane
+4 Thundering Khopesh of Greater Construct Bane
+2 True Chaos Khopeshes of Greater Giant Bane
Dwarven Thrower
Other weapons
+5 Metalline GA of Shattermantle
+4 Icy Burst GA of Maiming
+4 Holy GA of Righteousness
+3 Vorpal GA (RR Dwarf, level 12)
+2 Keen GA of Smiting
+1 Ghost Touch GA of Disruption
+1 Thundering Maul of Stunning +10
+1 True Chaos Rapier of Smiting
+1 Holy Rapier of PG
+3 Ghost Touch Khopesh of Destruction
+1 Vorpal Khopesh of PG
+1 Crippling Khopesh of Smiting
+1 Ghost Touch Khopesh of Disruption
+5 GA of Disruption
Other stuff for trade
+5 Mithril Full Plate of Stability
Shield Fragment 1
Ward of Undeath
+5 Heavy Mithril Shield(RR Dwarf, level 6)
various + stat items
Legend: GA=Greataxe, GS=Greatsword, RR=Race Required
PM or post here if you see anything you want