What is the going market for this?
I know AH was listing them for between 1-1.5 mil pp
What is its worth in terms of ingredients or other gear it can be traded for?
What is the going market for this?
I know AH was listing them for between 1-1.5 mil pp
What is its worth in terms of ingredients or other gear it can be traded for?
I would hold onto it in a trade pile, especially in the post Event economy. Plat values for things are never really all that stable and you are probably better off holding onto it and putting it into a trade post of haves and wants.
That being said... in the current state of the Cannith economy with all the influx of plat recently I'd put the value somewhere in the 750k - 1mil range. Roughly on par with a Bloodstone.
Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
Cannith / Orien
Yep, plat value may suffer but its trade value is still strong.
Why exactly is it so valuable?
If I understand correctly, Ring of Spell Storing restores 25 SP 3/rest. So in effect it gives you extra 75 SP. Which is between Pearl of Power VII and Pearl of Power VIII. Why does it seem to be 20+ more expensive than either Pearl? Is it because it can be upgraded to Epic?
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It does not work the same as a pearl of power. A pearl of power gives you a static increase to your spell points (if your base sp is say 400 and you equip a POP V it makes it 450sp.
The ring of spell storing restores used sp. It does not increase your base sp but it will recharge your sp bar by 25 points per click (simialr to what a cure wounds potion does to your hp). As a base item it might not be all that great (but a caster will take any sp regen item he can lay hands on). Once you epic the item it is like having 3 free major sp pots every quest (you have to be a caster to realize the awesomeness of this). And as a reference major sp pots sell in the 10-12k pp range each.
How awesome its epic does not have anything to do with the price of the base item. The shard of RoSS is so insanely rare that a wast majority of players will never make it epic.
Bloodstone which is comparable in how rare and how easy it is to farm also falls in the same price range. Having one more heal or firewall is nice so most arcanes/divines tend to want this item and that is what determines the price of this item.
It gives you an extra 75 SP that stacks with absolutely everything and doesn't need to be equipped. A pear of power is useless when every caster past level 15 is wearing an easily obtainable archmagi item (or at least wizardry VI or greater).
That being said, people pay way too much for these. I've purchased 3 or 4, none for more than 500k, and even that I thought was a bit much. I've only ever been in a handful of situations where that 75 sp made a difference.
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Nooby McNoobsalot
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