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  1. #81
    Community Member oskar581's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    so having a Halfling Mechanic I, I would love to see an extra large bolt case for the repeaters, looking at the Mechanic now

    Rogue Mechanic I

    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Progression: 16 action points
    Requires One of: Rogue Acid Trap Lore I, Rogue Cold Trap Lore I, Rogue Electric Trap Lore I, Rogue Fire Trap Lore I, Rogue Sonic Trap Lore I
    Requires All of: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I, Rogue Skill Boost II, Improved Open Lock II, Improved Disable Device II
    Available to Rogue class level 6
    Grants a +2 bonus to Disable Device, Open Lock, Repair, Search, and Spot skills, proficiency with Repeating Light Crossbows, and increases your chances of successfully scanvenging parts from traps. Traps you set have improved save DC's. Rogue Mechanics can add their Intelligence bonus to damage with crossbows of all types. Also grants the ability to expend a use of Skill Boost to repair a warforged.
    This enhancement automatically grants the following:

    Mechanic: Repair Construct
    Usage: Active
    Cost: 0 action points
    Activate this ability to repair a warforged or other construct 2d3 hit points every 2 seconds for 30 seconds. Consumes a use of your Skill Boost ability. (why doesn't this scale maybe 1/4 level d3 {rndup} it now it's 30-90 damage which is good but you fix stuff the ability to fix up to 5d3 every 2 for 30 so 75-225 thats not too OP right?, 2nd suggestion 2d3@tier1, 3d3@tier2, and 4d3@tier3)

    Rogue Mechanic II

    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 2 action points
    Progression: 42 action points
    Requires All of: Rogue Improved Trap Sense II, Improved Disable Device III, Improved Open Lock III, Rogue Mechanic I
    Available to Rogue class level 12
    Grants an additional +2 bonus to Disable Device, Open Lock, Repair, Search, and Spot skills, and proficiency with Repeating Heavy Crossbows. Traps you set have further improved save DC's. Also grants you the ability to smite contructs and living contructs for extra damage. In addition, you gain an additional +4 to saves against traps and 2 points of additional energy resistance against all elements. (ok so it says you can smite constructs but no explanation how it's not a clickie so must just happen, I would be happier with something I could understand not some vague statement, also they should get one more bolt at this tier and another at a 3rd tier)

    I don't know why Wreck construct is for all rogues but what ever. I like the Idea of being able to customize bolts/crossbows , getting a +3 to energy resistance, and the rapid reload feat. I say continue the bump to skills but increase it to maybe +3 to the skills to indicate the finishing of the PrE. It just might be me but I think PrEs should give at least 1 clicky ability per tier unless the PrE changes how other Clicky/stances work.

  2. #82
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Here's a thought for prestige 3 on acrobat, adding 2 to the critical threat range for quarter staves and one to damage multiplier so crit range would be 17-20 and damage multipler would be 3x.

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