Best thing to make Mechanic popular imo is letting Subtle Backstabbing, and hopefully all of the countless gear reductions to melee threat, apply to ranged attacks. Then maybe making a third tier of the prestige would be worth it.
Let like stacking bonuses scale down tiers; i.e. wearing a +2 dodge/excep. item and a +2 dodge/excep. item currently is only +2; let the 2nd +2 item imitate a +1 item, giving you +3. Allow this for all stacking bonuses (Heal. Amp 30->20->10) Absorption (20->15->10)etc. Lowest tier bonuses (10 Heal Amp, 10 absorb, 1 dodge) do not scale down ever.
For Mech III to be worth it, they should remove the range restrictions on sneak attacks for them.
Devourer: Anneliese, 20 Drow Sorc
rogue mech 3:
modify your repeater: (add one of the folowing bonus to any repeater you wield)
series of selectable enhancements.
flaming, frost, acid, shock, precision, cripling, smiting.
Det packs: (like the ones from undermine)
costs 1 large soul stones and some trap parts to make a det pack. The current traps are nice but they just dont deliver the damage for the cost, id also suggest lowering the cost or upping the damage of current traps.
improved repair construct:
use a skill boost for a more powerful repair.
disable construct: (mele attack)
disable a construct - construct must make a fort save against the mechanics disable device skill or be destroyed - 15 second cool down. (like assassinate but for machines)
For acrobat 3:
daring leap - 10 second cooldown works like wings/abundant step.
and for acrobat 1: any quarter staff you weild counts as finessable.
Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
stuff by me:
1. Everyone is entitled to their opinon. My opinion is that another 10% would be in line with the current progression. With 18 levels of rogue, you aren't going to get much from first tier wind stance. What is it, 5%? And that bonus no longer stacks with haste.
2. Again, if you need 18 rogue levels for acro III, that doesn't leave much for monk stances. You get first tier. Woohoo, add 2.5% doublestrike chance on IF you use wind stance. I do agree that 13% would be a bit too high so 7% might be a better idea bringing the total to 10% when combined with opportunist.
3. Fighters actually get +3 from Kensei III and its to all combat DCs. On top of that, they get enhancements to bring SB and/or trip up another +4 for a total of +7 but that is with ANY weapon. The idea I present is for +10 stunning blow and/or trip ONLY with a staff because of specialized training. Given that rogues typically have lower str than fighters, I believe this would make it possible for an acro III rogue to still get a good stunning blow or trip. It would be especially helpful for dex built rogues to do so. This would not be overpowered. It would just make stunning an option for acro IIIs.
You have a tendency to jump on people's idea's negatively right away. Could this be part of the reason you have a negative reputation?
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.
After seeing dozens of your posts, it was more like an educated guess. Drum down the elitist attitude a little and have a little more respect for others ideas and people's opinions of you will certainly change. Your opinion is not the only one that counts. Bad to you will most certainly be good to others. Present facts and opinions in a non-abusive fashion and intelligent discussion will flourish.
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.
Just because we disagree about what is overpowered doesn't make me elitist. Just because we disagree about what is balanced doesn't make me elitist.
I have respect for good ideas. I have no respect for bad ideas, nor for people that want things added to the game just because they think it would be *cool,* without any consideration for balance.
People's opinions? You mean yours. There's a difference. And I couldn't care less what people think of me on the forums. I'm not here on the forums to make friends. I have friends in game and in life. I'm here on the forums to do my part in making the game better.
Many intelligent discussions have flourished, all over the place.
You'll notice that you were the one that began the name calling, not myself. I simply called a bad idea a bad idea, which seems to be the norm from you in suggestion threads.
I think the suggestions here are a it too heavily weighed to damage, Moar DPSEESSSEESS.
Sure some more damage would be nice but hows about some flavor? The pole vault like abundant step idea is awesome. Only problem is it requires a whole new animation, not just a fancy aura like RS or PM. Which is means a lot of additional work.
for tier III acro I'd be happy with giving tier II its equal to tier I 10% for real this time, add pole vault(If feasible) and something to do with tumble would be nice since they are supposed to be acrobats. the only tumble in acrobats currently is the couple AP you need to spend on improved tumble. throw us a bone here maybe tier I should grant mobility, tier II a throw in Spring Attack, and tier III how about improved mobility which adds 2 to the mobility AC bonus for a total of +6.
Sure it is mostly a no bonus as most people don't tumble anywhere but come on they are Acrobats!!!!
Move along , Nothing to see here
Here's several ideas for the mech line (all tiers)
1. Traps need to actually pose a viable threat as opposed to a minor inconvenience
2. We need a reliable way to supply ourselves with ammo...possibly using trap parts...make unique bolts like web bolts (Should probably BtC)
3. Trap Parts need to be more Readily available (In-Game) & Trapmaking in general needs an overhaul.
4. We need to keep the construct theme but actually make it useful (ie. Make it so all our weapons are construct/living construct bane...each tier gets opposed to the useless abilities we have now)
5. We need some other minor bonuses to round out the pre (on top of the trap stuff) ie. +1 to crit range, to-hit bonuses, etc. (this is an open ended ANY minor bonuses)
6. Ranged SA needs to either be fixed (30ft currently = roughly the length of a prone WF) or lengthened so the broken calculation/coding puts out 30
7. Fix enhancements, equipment,etc. to actually work with ranged especially aggro reducers (frankly ranged should naturally cause less hate generation)
8. Fix bugs, disappearing shots, haste not working right,etc.
9. Raise DCs so ONLY mechs can handle elite content (possibly replace the repair boost with a UMD boost)
10. Increase clip size for repeaters to 5~8ish (maybe Tier 1 = 4 Bolts, Tier 2 = 6 Bolts, Tier 3 = 7 or 8 Bolts)
11. Possibly gain some Construct bonuses (or for WF Mechs make it additive so instead of a base +25% make it +50% and instead of being immune to poison make him actually regen hp from it or something)
12. A Base Speed increase to reload and/or firing speed with each tier
13. Int to AC (similar to monk wis to AC except with need to hold a ranged weapon)
14. Mechanics can sneak/crit constructs, ignoring part or all of fortification.
15. Reduce the search and disarm time on traps at each tier of Mechanic. Make search/disarm instant for Tier III.
16. Be able to save against traps on a 1 (IOW no critical fail)
17. DR against ranged weapons (bow,xbow,thrown daggers,etc.)
18. Replace the bonus to repair at each tier with a bonus to UMD
19. Ability to craft our own bolts (since there's no easy way to supply ourselves with them) possible using grenades in creation
ie. +3 Returning Bolts + Web Grenades = +3 Returning Bolts of Stickyness (or w/e)
Maybe even let us add holy or fire or w/e with collectibles or just other bolts like this
1000 Returning Bolts + 100 Web Grenades + 1000 Holy Bolts = 1000 Holy Returning Bolts of Stickyness (or w/e)
Also make it so the DC of the added effects from the grenades are based of our Disable Device Skill.
Oh and make it so this process adds the BtC effect to them.
Last edited by Failedlegend; 03-04-2011 at 11:11 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Mech III
Fixes repeater bug
May be add an "imbuse" ability to repeaters at the cost of a rogue skill boost.
Or use the corresponding trap parts as an elemental burst damage to your repeater. Ability could be made to last for X hrs (100hrs like epic slots?)
+1 to UMD at each mech lvl for a total +3 untyped bonus (they are masters at using any device)
A "sneak attack" on constructs to "disable"/"overload circuits" will be nice. Number of attacks = Base intel modifier. May be regens every 90 sec?
-Disable - construct dies
-Overload circuits - Circuits overloaded and Construct 'stunned' for X seconds (6-12 may be?)
Acrobat III
X% chance to double strike with staff, and X% chance to add X% (may be 25-50%?) sneak attack to glancing hits
Extra use of haste boost, uncanny dodge. Or a stacking bonus to reflex saves as long as evasion criteria are met.
Immunity to damage from falling (perma ff?) along with the immunity to trip/stun
High flyer - A jump similar to abundant step
No respect for what in your opinion is a bad idea. Again, just because YOU think it's a bad idea does not make it so. And even if it is a bad idea in most people's eyes, that in no way gives anyone the right to disrespect people. So what you are saying is you have no respect for anyone that thinks differently than you? That's the kind of attitude that is a big problem with the world today. People have a right to want things added to the game because they think they are cool. They shouldn't be disrespected for their thoughts.
And I'm not the only one that has called you out for your negative behavior so I'm not just talking about me. And what name did I call you? Not agreeing with an idea is perfectly fine. Giving a person grief over it is not. Just saying elitist, disrespectful banter does not create an environment for intelligent discussion. It won't deter me but some people may be afraid to voice their ideas because someone will jump on them. Sometimes people just come up with crazy ideas because they sound fun. Just saying have an open mind. If you disagree, great, lets hear your opinion of why the idea is wrong and present it without disrespect.
If you're having fun, then you're doing it right.
I like the idea for mech 3 of stance like modifications to your crossbow. It fits theme wise and also would add dps which this pre needs. Maybe shocking burst, flaming burst, acid burst, icy burst, crippling, smiting, and banishing would be good selectable toggles (only one at a time) to add to any crossbow you use. That would add a moderate amount of dps to the mechanic and some real nice on proc effects. Alternatively, a pure dps increase by increasing the crit multiplier on crossbows when they use them would work also.
As for ranged sneak attack I would like to see that line available to all rogues.
For acrobat 3 I think the following would be work...
FvS leap on a ten second timer with no cost.
No falling damage even under reverse gravity spells.
Some dps stuff for staffs.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
In red.
Some good ideas, some I don't like.
Everyone keeps asking for SA to Grazing Hits, but I'm not sure you realize exactly what that entails. You'll be taking aggro from everything that's fighting anywhere near you unless that mob has another party member focusing on it.
I understand the thought process behind it, but it would kill you more than it would help you.
You'd go from doing massive damage to one mob, to getting beat down by 6 mobs. It wouldn't work.
Hmm.. not sure i buy that gain in aggro concept... A 5% chance to add 25% SA to glancing hit will still be lower than a pure fighter/barbarian of the party swinging with you. The 40% threat reduction will help too. But it can get ugly with the THW line.
And I do not think giving a total of 3 UMD to a lvl 18 is "over powering" it. Could restrict it to count towards wands and gear exclusively and not scrolls if it comes down to keeping the flavor of mechs being device user. But i still fail to see it being a game breaking over powering effect. Just my opinion and i though it fits with the class line.
As for what to call the previously mentioned "overload construct"... it was just an idea. Call it what you want "stun construct effect" if nothing else fits to your taste.
Last edited by Thaxlsillyia; 03-04-2011 at 11:47 AM.