So I'd like to restart/reroll a barb. The issue is that I really don't like the THF animations (I'm not fond of TWF either, but it's better than THF imo)
I seem to recall Shade (maybe someone else) making a post that TWF Barbs suffer from a bug with Frenzy though, and one of my friends (who actually follows the whole DPS chart thing) alos says that TWF Barbs aren't where they should be.
So I'm curious, how many of you have TWF Barbs and how do they do? I'm not sure I want to wait another 5 years until they release the Ravager PRE, but I also don't want to gear up a TWF Barb and lose aggro to the Melee Cleric dual wielding Muckbanes.
Anyone running a TWF barb in current endgame (Elite Amrath/Epic) content with huge success ?