I made 400k, a few 100 stacks of all the summons, plus vials of seawater and jolly rogers up the ying yang...(no pun intended)
I made 400k, a few 100 stacks of all the summons, plus vials of seawater and jolly rogers up the ying yang...(no pun intended)
I made a fully upgraded Epic Ornamented Dagger, 2 fully upgraded Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglasses (True Seeing, UMD Bonus, and a Green Augment slot? Yes, please!), and 3 non-upgraded Epic Rings of the Buccaneer (Awesome swim items with Underwater Action and a +15 to Swim). Oh yeah, I also turned my pirate hats on 3 characters into Haggle items (CHA +6 and Haggle +15). Worth it? Definitely since they're only ML 12.
I even capped my Wizard character in the event, though it isn't saying much because a guildmate capped their TR... from level 16 or 17 by only running the event. That was almost 1.2 MILLION exp. o-0!
6 ornamented daggers(one tier3, one tier2 and 4 tier 1), the gloves tier 3, a couple of each of the trinkets(for my noob toons), 2 of the vorpal swords(tier 1 for slashing trash), tier 2 of the plate armor, 800k plat, 400 of the summon thingies, two of the ring of the bucaneer(tier 3). Ow and tier 3 of the spyglass. And a +6 seeker +15tumble hat for my monk
0, lmao. I just started messing with my pirate hat before it ended. Was my first day back after many months.
I did get to hear the kobolds though. Here's my ideaof fun. Put on headphones. Intentionally lump all the kobolds into a big cluster, and enjoy the insanity the audio brings you (=
A truly intelligent person can understand the simplicity of a joke
One lie is all it takes to undo a man
"I am telling you, the word chicken does not have a 2 in it."