I've not run with you much in game but if you play with the same attitude you've shown in this thread, I would annoyed by how sanctimonious you are and how your views and mores are the only way to play the game. Truthfully, I'm not sure why you've even posted this thread, other than to stir up drama and feel better about yourself and how you're the only "nice and helpful" person on the server.
Did I go out of my way to teach a bunch of people how to run the cove? No, I mostly ran with guildies to get the gear that I wanted for all my toons.
Do I (in the many TR's I've done recently and plan to do) run with newer players, offer advice and sometimes provide resources or gear to help them along their way? Yes.
Do I dash to the forum to let everyone know how awesome I am and how I look down my nose at those that play differently than I do? No.
Gungpao - lvl 7 mnk/ 12ftr/ 1 rog, Quinidine - lvl 20 FvS, Harshuul - lvl 20 Barb, Diluadid - lvl 20 FvS, Ibbanez- lvl 20 bard, Mongorrian 12 Ftr/6 Brb/ 2 Rog, Yellowcab 9 Wiz.
You do not have to stand on a soap box and dictate to others how they should be nice to be nice.
It is highly presumptuous of one to castigate so many when you don't really know the reality of all the people running the cove event. You are a professor are you not? Do you do the homework of your "less fortunate" students who aren't quite as smart?
If these people were being paid by Turbine to assist with the Cove event you might have a box to stand on... as it is they are people who pay money for their own entertainment, even F2Pers have to pay money somewhere to play the game. They are not event staff.
Many people played, enjoyed, accumulated and networked. I met new people, had some fun, got some items and made a small amount of PP. (Yes, only small... as I didn't focus on making pp.)
You are a nice guy. Please stop telling me how should play the game. It is not very nice.
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
I imagine most everyone plays this game the same way. Friends and guildies are always extended a helping hand from what I've seen and expierianced in the game. People go after that next great accomplishment, or epic piece of gear (more often than not) with people that share similiar goals and playstyles.
However, there is nothing an unknown pugger has done to earn that same type of treatment. Should they be talked down to, or trashed for not knowing the quest? No, they shouldn't. But they also aren't somehow entitled to someone elses stuff simply because they can't/won't work as hard for it.
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
So are you taking time away from being kind and helpful to other people to learn the ways of the dark side and join in? Or you just using yet another example on a way to look down on how others play.
P.S. Me personally, I dont' care for the rude, and ignore most LFMs that have restrictions, quest with those I like, and forget the rest. So I know what I LIKE. But humble enough to know that MY WAY shoudln't be everyones way. Still a game, and 1 way of having fun is not the only way.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
To be clear, I'm posting because of the way I observed some folks behave in some parties I was in - badly obviously, and without a need that I could see.
As for being sanctimonious, I've been called that and more here on the forums for my thoughts and the way I seem to convey them. So, that bridge has been crossed...and crossed...and crossed.
Now as for drama on the forums, well, a good friend of mine in a guild starting with L told me long ago that's what the forums are for. The forums have been so boring for so long, have fun with it.
ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
Proud member of ARCHANGELS
Aw come on, Clay. I saw completely unnecessary browbeating/rude behavior during the event. There's just no excuse (that I can grasp) for that nonsense. Still, because its you on this one, I'll pack it in. Honestly, I have to get back to grading test papers anyway.
Moderator, please close thread.
/gone from thread
Last edited by AkromaAoW; 03-02-2011 at 07:31 PM.
ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
Proud member of ARCHANGELS
yes we know already, you told us for years. your the most greatest wonderfulest giving person in the world. Ty for letting us all know that again, and again and again.
I ran every Cove I could get into. 300 per run was just the start. I also wanted enough time to clear the map and get the most Stolen Diamonds and Emeralds too. I will do it again if it ever comes back. I saved nothing but the items I made and one Compass to start again. How can you complain about what I did? I made so awesome gear and raked in the PP. Every time I ran the Cove it was in a PUG. Not one single problem or complaint. Relax and play your game your way.
I thought there was a rule about necroing your own threads year after year? If not, there should be.
[RENEGADE (Monk) - LEGION - FOUNDER AUG 2005]Blutus, Bodak, Diablo, Guilloteen, Jellybean, MantikorMarauder, Renaissance, Rigormortiss, Ungajinga, Valkyrie1st ww Tower/Vision/Abbot/Shroud, Epic VoN/Chrono, Reaver Xoriat * 1st capped Permatoon
Dis thread is AWESOME!!
Mostly cause I thought I was bein' all whiny and complainy in another thread....which I maybe was...but I feel better now that I've seen this.
Also cause the Dwarf said "castigate". LOL. Dwarfs are funny. Just like a Dwarf...."if they don't agree, chop off their jewels!"
Oh one correction though...about the drama on the forum point...."Epitaph" don't start with an L.
All that is wrong with DDO, life, taxes, poltics, religion, music, fast food, education, the criminal justice system, the weather, society, the universe, and previously-discontinued-but-now-on-their-way-back snack cakes, is all the fault of Wizards of the Coast. I know this because Fred told me so, and Mind Flayers are smart.
I understand Eriik, really. I see this everyday, all around me. however, I do not stop people in the train who do not give up their seat to those more in need... like the elderly, pregnant, injured... do not berate those who are rude and obnoxious in the movie theater... do not tell people at the table next to me that eating and talking should not be a simultaneous event, that closing one's mouth when chewing is preferable... that their kids are rude, obnoxious and smelly...
Trying to dictate one's personal morals in a public arena is not polite. This thread is not a great way to try and change the [game] world.
Last edited by Clay; 03-02-2011 at 08:47 PM.
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
+1 a thousand times over.
Just because you think you should doesnt mean that it is a good idea too. The old adage here seems most appropriate: the path to hell is paved with good intentions.
Just because the self righteous way might seem like a good thing it might not be the best thing for your overall health. Look what happened to a certain nazerine in jerusalem a few millenium ago.
Darkrune TRx2 lvl 20 FvS, Darkdivinity lvl 20 cleric, Darkaxe lvl 20 fighter, Darktune TRx1 lvl 4bard, Darkbow lvl 20 AA Ranger, Darksoldier TRx1 lvl 20 Barb, Darkspells TRx2 lvl 20 Wizard, Darkbattle TRx1 lvl 20 artificer, Darktemper lvl 17 Ranger, Darkfists TRx1 lvl 20 Monk, Darkherald lvl 5 paladin Guild Leader of No Politics Thelanis Server
It just seemed appropriate to change my OP.
Edit: I read this again. Wow, just wow. We live on two different planets. When I was an undergraduate, I organized a small campus watch group. We would walk the campus at night to help and ensure the safety of students. We weren't exactly the Guardian Angels, but you get the idea.
Last edited by AkromaAoW; 03-02-2011 at 09:32 PM.
ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
Proud member of ARCHANGELS
Dungeon Alert and difficulty scaling killing LFMs since 9-1-2009.
so if i dont like you but help newbs ...
am i good or bad?...... Mr Selfrighteous