I have been running a lot of epic quests and raid lately, mainly Pugging.
Most of the groups I have been with were sucessfull completing Epic Von6 raid, Zawabii Revenge (epic DQ raid), pretty consistently now.
I have been partying with folks from several small/medium/large guilds and most of them end up having to pug because they dont have a raiding group on their guilds.
So if we can form a group, get to know everyone and each one's goals, we can help each other and be more efficient. We can get more things done by spending less time on LFMs and inside quests.
With this in mind I thought of creating a static-ish group for running Epic content. Yes! we need tokens for all that event epic gear
Initially this group will focus on Raids, 3 raids (Von6, Zawabii, Chronoscope) 1 or 2 times per week depending on time and lvl20 character availability.
If we can get enough people we can start our first raid rotation this weekend.