"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
Well.. on the contrary..
I just really think the best for the group is what important.
I got a Gloves of the Glacier the other day, from a VoD run (still try my luck for tharne's... sigh), i offer it for a roll, and got this:
... and then you hear about people being **** about there loots.
Could I use this gloves? maybe... someday.... Could I use those 100k ?? Hell yeah!!! I never got more than 200k, and even that last for like.. 1 hour?
Though, i have yet got to a situation when one get a loot i want, and for him to be a **** about it for the kicks when he doesnt need/cant use it anyway.
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
The 'group' means NOTHING as 'group' normally refers to a pug. "Your loot is your loot" is more powerful than "group leader decides loot" because the leader has NOTHING to control with loot.
If you believe in "for the good of the guild" or "for the good of your friends" and these are the people that comprise your "group", then sure. By the quality of "your loot is your loot" you can insure this "for the good of the guild/friends" idea.
Apparently you have issues separating pugs from allies, or you've got issues with people closer to you than random "pugs".
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
A post like this coming right on the ending of an event where spectacular loot that compares to stuff you have to grind months sometimes for...is practically handed to us...what a joke.
You right, maybe I wasnt clear with the meaning of it. After all, concentration is a cross-skill for rogues! (u get it? concentration..? .. nvm..)
Anyway, I did say on the OP:
And I'm not complaning. I was just trying to point, that, IMHO, when related to in-game (not talking about rl issues), the group comes first.
Edit: I just reread it. OK, i wasn't clear AT ALL! I hope the last posts cleared it out.
Last edited by MiahooJunk; 03-02-2011 at 01:20 PM.
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
Quest finished
Player A gets Item A in chest
OP wants item A
Player B says all but OP can roll on item A
Player C rolls and wins
Then OP comes to forums to vent and point out an inconsistency with loot philosophy. (weather intended or not)
IF ---"Your loot is your loot"
Why --- Blacklist people for selling / trading raid loot
So ----"Your loot is your loot" as long as you follow my code of conduct
I realize that the above is not the issue, and I have distorted it, but the point is more clear. He was angry about loot roll decisions which excluded him, and is coming here to vent.
Then OP gets attacked by lots of posters for expressing frustration on loot drama
Is that about right??? Seems harsh to me. English is not his first language (obviously) and people here are taking words and twisting them to suit their own posts.
@ Missing Minds - Why does the group mean nothing? I play with a fairly large group of regular players. I raid in circles as best I can and have started to get to know lots of players. Best for the group is meaningful to me, If I plan to run raids on a certain night all the time, I'll start to see the same people night after night. Its still a PUG, but the pool of people is smaller. Good for the group means just that. If the Sorc I run with is stronger because of Item A, its better for my raids when he is there. I think good for the group was meant the same as "need before greed".
Perhaps I missed something, but it all just needs to be toned down a bit.
No sarcasm intended. Can someone answer a question for me?
I group with X, he pulls bound to character raid item. He then does an action, with item I find unfair/disagree with.
It would seem to me that I should then not play with him again if I don't like some part of his behavior.
Am I wrong? Is the growing consensus that I should not have this opinion, and must group with him again?
Not sarcastic, and left intentionally vague, because reasons for said action seem to clog up discussions.
Awww, that's so sweet....oooh something shiney....look an airship....Gak! There's a halfing chasing me!
An alternate forum exsist! PM me.
Depends on you
Your loot is your loot (in its purest form) - Who cares, its his loot
Your loot is your loot (as long as you follow my code of conduct) - Squelch and move on
For me, I really don't care. You'd have to do something pretty outrageous for me to put you on the "friends" list.
Myself, I wouldn't participate and won't bid on it. As I find it Inappropriate.
Then again, it depands the situation. If the group decide this will be the process - then that how it should be.
As for not playing with him ever again. Its your call, as you decide with who to play and when.
but that just my opinion, as some here seems to think it'd be unfair from you. and u're the one who need to be squelch![]()
Last edited by MiahooJunk; 03-02-2011 at 01:39 PM.
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
What you seem to have issues with grasping is that loot has nothing to do with the "good of the group" unless you are talking about a static group. Aside from epic drops most loot under question is awarded after the quest is finished and just before the group disbands in a lot of cases. Where do I benefit from a). losing part of my reward for running the quest -or- b). giving a share of my reward to someone I may never see again?
If you had one shread of honesty you would admit that what you really mean to say is "the good of the individual as long as it's me". You seem to feel that you are entitled to a second chance on items you have already lost the roll on, and that anyone who does win the first roll obviously cheated somehow.
Last edited by Hambo; 03-02-2011 at 01:42 PM.
Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices
Nope, you just need to read the first sentence and realize you are not doing a random pug, but controlled. You are playing with people on a consistent bases, not a one shot and never see again. You DO have a "group of friends" persay, so "for the best of the group" does have meaning.
This is fair, if the leader wishes to be upfront about him/her and whoever else in the party being whiny little babies when it comes to the looting at the end, then I can appreciate that. I appreciate them being so upfront about their immaturity and informing that running with them will be a complete waste of my time. I thank you for the invite and I shall take my leave.
Wow, I was under the impression that mature adults were playing on DDO, learn something new every day.
Responses in yellow obviously. Sure you can make your rules and depending on the quest, in regard to loot dispersement I might oblidge it, but in no way shape or form, regardless of your rules, will I be dictated to if it is an item I want or want to give to soemone else.
You see, you cannot obtain desired loot without completion, and in that regard, I am in the same interest as the leader. That is where the similarities end because in the end if it is somethign desireable, I will not comport to your whims.
SO ban me, block me, refuse to let me in your group because in the end dictating how someone is to disperse their loot to other peopel will put you on the short list of desired puggers.
good luck though on that train of thought.
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=209152 Pic of Me, Post# 332 http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=163146&page=9