We have a standard auction house right now where you can list items and people bid on them. Generally people complain all the time about how the prices are crazy and do not reflect the actual going rate.
We also have a lot of people looking to remove the recent plat influx from the economy.
Well i am into added functionality so i have a suggestion that may fix all three problems. A "Wanted" Auction.
Here is how it works.
Example. I want 4 LDS. I am willing to pay 400k plat each.
I post up the item i am looking for and deposit the amount i am willing to pay and the number i am looking to buy.
This ad will stay up for a week or so where anyone can browse the directory of what people are looking for. If someone has what i want and they like the price i am offering they deposit the item and collect the money minus the auction fee.
Finding buyers and sellers would be easier than ever and the seller would get instant gratification.
Short on cash? Find someone looking for something you have and sell it to them. No need to spam the trade channel or try to find each other in stormreach. No cheating or swindling people.
Everyone is happy.