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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Lightbulb One ticket to Court of Lailat please!

    Greetings everyone!

    There are lot of suggestions out there on how to remove plat in the game. I know this is not going to be as awesome as those suggestions, but what the heck.

    Maybe they can add some teleporter guy in every adventure pack / explorer. Correct me if I am wrong, it will be the House Phiarlan handling the teleport affairs, just like House Kundarak is handling Banks.

    The teleporter guy can instantly teleport you to a certain dungeon entrance with the following conditions:

    1. You have finished the quest regarding that entrance. (Of course it also means that you already discovered that explorer)
    2. With a price, maybe 10kpp per teleport. This is where the plat sink, sinks in (see what I did there? No? Carry on).

    It will be totally a rip off for new players, so they wont use it, no change there.

    It can be used:
    by the vets and uber rich that tried to run to these quests entrance for the 1000th times.
    For the times of emergency where, oops I died, they wanted to start quest ASAP! I need to recall back and be there in a minute.



  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    i'd use that service for that price

    thumbs up.
    Thelanis - Inferus Sus
    Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing Warforged
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