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  1. #1
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    Default End game Blunt vs Slash - new ratkiller

    With the new Ratkiller, any opinion on going Maul? GS Maul for DR and RatKiller for trash.

    Think it may be a bit fun, currently a slasher but was thinking of LRing my 12Fi/6Bar/2ro to 18Fi/2Ro and going blunt.

    Currently have a bunch of greatswords and a tier 2 GS falchion and previously was going to respec to falchion once MinII completed (2 devil scales away).

    Rage + UMD is frustrating. Rage is awesome, just somewhat annoying if i ever have to heal myself I need to dismiss it. Not sure I want to give up the flexibility of UMD though.

    Ratkiller is pretty fun, just can't get over the annoyance of the 20 threat vs my standard 17 or even 20 with SoS (yet to be epic'd..need scroll...then i'll probably go back to GS)

    I'd lose 6 raged str/con, but gain a bit of stun DC via kenIII. Any thoughts? Any 2h blunt users out there with opinions?

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    ratkiller is good, but i wouldn't say it's going to replace your slashing weapons as being the best choice. pull out the ratkiller when you need to stun. the rest of the time, just use your best slashing weapon.

  3. #3
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    ratkiller is good, but i wouldn't say it's going to replace your slashing weapons as being the best choice. pull out the ratkiller when you need to stun. the rest of the time, just use your best slashing weapon.
    problem is you will have to take bludgeon line of attack improvements to hit later in game. I dont know if you can take that and slash improvements together to make it worth it. only so many feats to go around. Was thinking of trying the bludgeon weapon focus line on my next character. I know i would be one mad skelly killing machine.

  4. #4
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by count_spicoli View Post
    problem is you will have to take bludgeon line of attack improvements to hit later in game. I dont know if you can take that and slash improvements together to make it worth it. only so many feats to go around. Was thinking of trying the bludgeon weapon focus line on my next character. I know i would be one mad skelly killing machine.
    i'd be surprised if you needed it that bad. you've got those strength enhancements, power surge, good BAB, etc, to allow you to reliably hit.

  5. #5
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    Tried ratkiller in big top tonight, nice easy environment. hit plenty, proc'd earthgrab a few times and landed 50-75% of stuns while still being slash spec'd and not maxing out DC. Still contemplating LR'ing and going blunt spec with MinII maul (yet to be built...) and ratkiller with maybe a holy/icy burst of something in case.

    with titans grip and buffs only hit 60 str (don't have madstone or yugo pots yet)

  6. #6
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhaeran View Post
    Tried ratkiller in big top tonight, nice easy environment. hit plenty, proc'd earthgrab a few times and landed 50-75% of stuns while still being slash spec'd and not maxing out DC. Still contemplating LR'ing and going blunt spec with MinII maul (yet to be built...) and ratkiller with maybe a holy/icy burst of something in case.

    with titans grip and buffs only hit 60 str (don't have madstone or yugo pots yet)
    If you need to be blunt specced with feats/enhancements to hit mobs (which 90% of the time are held anyways) there is either something wrong with your character other than these - or your caster just dc'ed/is piking

    I can't see why you would have problems to-hit with a 60 strength - that seems like plenty, even without fighter enhancements. Mauls are fun, nothing wrong with a min II maul as well (considering a handful of things have DR / blunt but very little has DR/slash)

    My barb was using a +1 maul of stunning +10 before this. Now I don't have to turn power attack off to reliably land a blow in epics
    Last edited by protokon; 03-02-2011 at 10:26 PM.
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  7. #7
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    Nah, I was hitting fine with blunt even while slash spec'd. Just feels like I'd be losing a lot of dps with the 20 crit modifier vs my normal 17-20 (or 15-20 w/SoS). maybe just improved crit blunt and then if i feel like playing around i can re-spec enhancements towards blunt.

  8. #8
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhaeran View Post
    Nah, I was hitting fine with blunt even while slash spec'd. Just feels like I'd be losing a lot of dps with the 20 crit modifier vs my normal 17-20 (or 15-20 w/SoS). maybe just improved crit blunt and then if i feel like playing around i can re-spec enhancements towards blunt.
    ummm... you're using a weapon that is specifically built to generate autocrits. why are you so worried about your crit range? stun the target, and your crit range becomes 2-20. problem solved.

  9. #9
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    But..But..hmm. Pretty much right. Although its the 2nd or 3rd mob before stunning blow is avail again the time lost to switch weapons twice is probably more detrimental than the lack of dps and loss of chance for earthgrab/stun proc.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhaeran View Post
    With the new Ratkiller, any opinion on going Maul? GS Maul for DR and RatKiller for trash.
    Mauls are not end-game weapons. They're useful tools for the right situation.

    With a tier3 Ratkiller, I'd never craft a GS Maul. Slot the Ratkiller with Adamantine and you've got a nice beater for epic Wiz King clay golems.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    My barbarian is blunt spec and I love it. I am sure the actual numbers would show it to be inferior to slash but so far I am loving blunt and not missing slash.

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  12. #12
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    Right now my role is DPS and I get the very occasional stun, usually only right after a rage clicks off, drink a pot to lose fatigue, use titan's then re-rage to get back to 60...then stunning blow. Then its a pretty high chance, otherwise it only works with a slasher around 30-40% of the time. With stunner that jumps up a bunch but its a PITA to keep switching weapons.

    Thinking about LR'ing into a more stun friendly build in general and also thinking about going blunt at same time. I'm only 2 large shrap away from building my first MinII so that pulls into the equation as well...minII maul or MinII falchion or greataxe.

  13. #13
    The Hatchery DethTrip's Avatar
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    People min max too much. Stunning and earthgrab, which seems to proc a lot on this thing, will help keep mobs under control. This to me is more helpful to a smooth quest run than a little more dps. I see nothing wrong with going maul spec, having a minII maul for bosses and a ratkiller for trash. I also see nothing wrong with staying slash specced and using the ratkiller for trash and a minII greataxe for bosses. Roll what you like. Your dps will still be fine.
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  14. #14
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    Guess I will be stunned along with the mobs if Turbine added nice weapons in other lines. Would be nice to see different setups in game. I dont think rat killer is enough to make many switch. I've only used it on trash once (inToD) and seeing the single damage number over the mob is depressing (I didnt think slotting it with an extra damage type was worth 30 tokens). Too bad you cant slot it and add cold burtst.

  15. #15
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DethTrip View Post
    People min max too much. Stunning and earthgrab, which seems to proc a lot on this thing, will help keep mobs under control. This to me is more helpful to a smooth quest run than a little more dps. I see nothing wrong with going maul spec, having a minII maul for bosses and a ratkiller for trash. I also see nothing wrong with staying slash specced and using the ratkiller for trash and a minII greataxe for bosses. Roll what you like. Your dps will still be fine.
    oh indeed. but if he already has a bunch of slashing weapons and is already slashing spec, there's no desperate rush to switch to blunt spec for one maul.

  16. #16
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    Agree on the single number..2 when frenzied...3 with good slotted once i get the tokens.

    I get the same when I use SoS but at least it crits all the time @x3 so at least they're big single numbers.

    I'm not in any huge rush, but will probably get a couple shrap off trade/AH in the next couple days and would be nice to get my first tier 3 GS.

  17. #17
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    I'd be curious to run an epic where all DPS are using only ratkiller on trash. 1 heal, 1 arcane, 4 mauls. I think it'd be a blast.

  18. #18
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhaeran View Post
    I'd be curious to run an epic where all DPS are using only ratkiller on trash. 1 heal, 1 arcane, 4 mauls. I think it'd be a blast.
    i'd like to run an epic for once where the dps actually brings any form of crowd control at all, or at the *very* least something to help CC land (like cursespewers, strength sapping, shattermantle, etc) or something to make better use of my CC (like dual heavy picks - not even necessarily tier 3 GS heavy picks, just heavy picks would be a good start).

    ahh, the joys of PuGging. you get yelled at as a caster for not bringing the CC on everything, while the melees are running around with random low-crit value weapons most of the time, and don't stun, don't trip, don't sap, and don't come prepared themselves.

  19. #19
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    ummm... you're using a weapon that is specifically built to generate autocrits. why are you so worried about your crit range? stun the target, and your crit range becomes 2-20. problem solved.
    If you miss on your attack trying to stunning blow, pretty sure you dont get to even roll for SB, and your DPS will drop off while you are waiting for the Cool Down.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    i'd like to run an epic for once where the dps actually brings any form of crowd control at all, or at the *very* least something to help CC land (like cursespewers, strength sapping, shattermantle, etc) or something to make better use of my CC (like dual heavy picks - not even necessarily tier 3 GS heavy picks, just heavy picks would be a good start).

    ahh, the joys of PuGging. you get yelled at as a caster for not bringing the CC on everything, while the melees are running around with random low-crit value weapons most of the time, and don't stun, don't trip, don't sap, and don't come prepared themselves.
    Sapping is a PITA on a pug...picked it up as I was LR'ing to 6 barb and dropped it. Awesome ability either i didn't have the skills to use it (oops Auto attack on) or some other guy didn't get the instructions.

    I'd like to buff up my stunning purely to be less of a healer mana sponge Same with trip, they don't go down any quicker but they're not hitting back at the same time. Curse is tough, tough to find an improved curse with anything else worthwhile on it.

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