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  1. #1
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default not needed.....but

    My apologies to the group I was running New Invasion with last night.

    During the endfight as we are darting around, my ISP goes poof *.*

    According to my wife the issue still has not been rectumfried, sadly no DDO for me tonight.

    If you were a member of said group, I apologize. I'd name names, but my short-term memory isn't good enough for that anymore.

    /getting old sux
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    rectumfried eh

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pallol_One-Eye View Post
    My apologies to the group I was running New Invasion with last night.

    During the endfight as we are darting around, my ISP goes poof *.*

    According to my wife the issue still has not been rectumfried, sadly no DDO for me tonight.

    If you were a member of said group, I apologize. I'd name names, but my short-term memory isn't good enough for that anymore.

    /getting old sux
    I think I was in that group. It didnt go to well. lots of wipes, over 30 deaths, and it got to the point where it was too late, I just left. I had to get to bed.

    I dont know what was going on in there - the leader said "when i say 'move', run 3 blocks counter-clockwise".. si everytime he said "move", half of us ran 3 blocks, the other half ran 1.

    then when we were down to 4 people, it was reiterated "when i say move, run 3 blocks counter-clockwise, just follow me and dont run past me"

    We go in, "move" comes, and the leader moved to the PILLAR next to the plate we were fighting on. Another wipe. at this point i got ****ed cause what was happening wasnt what we had been told to do, and I wasnt gonna waste another 20 minutes on it.

    it was normal, for cryin out loud.

    I dont blame anyone though, it was just one of those times when nothing goes right.

  4. #4
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Cairo View Post
    I think I was in that group. It didnt go to well. lots of wipes, over 30 deaths, and it got to the point where it was too late, I just left. I had to get to bed.

    I dont know what was going on in there - the leader said "when i say 'move', run 3 blocks counter-clockwise".. si everytime he said "move", half of us ran 3 blocks, the other half ran 1.

    then when we were down to 4 people, it was reiterated "when i say move, run 3 blocks counter-clockwise, just follow me and dont run past me"

    We go in, "move" comes, and the leader moved to the PILLAR next to the plate we were fighting on. Another wipe. at this point i got ****ed cause what was happening wasnt what we had been told to do, and I wasnt gonna waste another 20 minutes on it.

    it was normal, for cryin out loud.

    I dont blame anyone though, it was just one of those times when nothing goes right.
    That must have been after I disco'd. I should have known something was going on with my connection as 75% of my spells were not landing. I was talking to myself....***O???

    Having just ran it solo the night before, I could not figure out why all the sudden I could not hit him using the exact same strategy.

    I apologize that I caused you guys to wipe eventually. Since the timer had already started, you may have been better off getting another arcane into the group just to finish.

    Good news for me is my provider finally unassed themselves and got my connection back up last night around 10pm. Threw in 2 free months of service, cause I complained that I could not work from home.....working as an ENgineer supporting a product they sold, lol.

    Karma can be a beyotch at times.
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

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