mainly looking for:
+3 or above forceburst/holy/holyburst stun +10 handwraps (can consider +2 or +1 if the price is>if it is icy bursted it's even better! but don't have to be
+3 or above holy/holyburst/force/forceburst handwraps of greater evil outsider bane (icy bursted even better!) [shock burst or shock also acceptable if the price is right)
+6 wis rings
+8 armored bracers
Mainly paying with plat as I haven't really got to shroud raiding quests and above yet....and no bloodstones either...
PM me here or in game to Xerpherius or Xerpherious with your item (include ML, rr, damage condition if not perfect, your price range, and any other contact information you think neccessary) if interested
PS: I'm a H-orc monk with NO...i mean 0...Zero UMD skills so if the rr is not h-orc i wouldn't be able to use it
Edit: thanks for the info ViolentEnd