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Thread: Lfm

  1. #1
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Lfm

    A phone ap, or mini-site that shows the current LFMs of a server.
    *Wake up, get home or just deside to procrastinate and pump money into DDo while you could be doing an important report*
    "Oooh, lets see if anything fun is happening in Thelanis."
    -Event farming-
    -Event farming-
    -Event farming-
    -Korthos quests-
    "Eww. Ok. How about Khyber?"
    -Event farming-
    -Event farming-
    -chrono exp run-
    "SWEET! How about Cannith?"
    -Event farming-
    -Desert grinding-
    -New players trying to do Devil assault-
    "Hmm...that could be fun/funny."
    Why not?

  2. #2
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    What's the point?

    If you choose to join an lfm you'd have to start the client and log in and most LFM's would be full by then.

    If it's just to look at what LFM's are up, then I'd still have to ask, what's the point.

  3. #3
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    A lightweight UI could be nice for managing characters, inventories, and social panel activities. Loading the game takes time and devours system resources. There are plenty of little tasks that frankly don't need all that stuff to be loaded up, like checking the auction house or seeing if I recognize any of the people in the LFMs (occasionally I'll run a quest only if it's with someone I know).

    Done correctly, this suggestion would be a convenience. It's not high on my personal wish-list, but it would still be pretty freaking cool if it ever did happen.

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