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I have this weird feeling today. As I lay in bed not sleeping last night, I was obsessed with the idea of how they should do epic in DDO going forward. I didn't need any more of a hint that the 3 (or more) tier Crystal Cove grind is probably a precursor to the epic "rehauled" system.
1. All of our epics that we currently have should become tier 1 epics.
Because if it's not getting better, I'm not grinding more for it.
2. Tier 2 and 3 should be a mix of set upgrades and customizable upgrades
Hopefully more creative and diverse than the current slots -- there are only so many ways we can want to fit 6 dex and 1 con on our gear. I'm not going to make a list of my selfish wish gear like every other thread about epic. Regardless of what I want, many more combinations and unique abilities would be really good for this game. Niche stuff is not bad, even if ten Real Rogues cry every time a trapsmithing item or glancing blows item or unarmed item or armor class item is introduced. The more focused gear is, the more it will be utilized. And, in combination, the more customizable, the more diversity we can see. Craftable guards, superior elemental resistances, clickies a la dimension door, break enchantment, protection from elements, teleport, good hope.
The reason we need them semi-set is to help power balance the items. Sword of Shadow needs a bit less help than Whirlwind. Whirlwind might never be the same. But what if it made the Whirlwind feat worth taking?
3. Tier 1s should be a bit easier.
Rocka System (tm) would justify tweaking drop rates for the worst grinds, see desert items, because they would no longer be quite the best of the best (Hey, let's not argue whether your house p fireball necklace is the best of the best).
4. Exchange my stuff I don't want for stuff I do want.
Example: Turn in a shard, seal, or scroll + 10 dungeon tokens for a typical end reward list of epic loot in that adventure pack. You pick the item: list of shards, seals, or scroll). Please avoid a system that encourage ninjaing every item and taking them out of the rolloff player-preferred system. I don't need to loot every seal of the ring of venom in my 200th run of Last Stand (true story omg). I want to give it away. That's why tying it to actual completions (dungeon tokens or crafting ingredients) is a good check. Cycling through to generate fresh options is sorely needed.
5. Upgrading to tier 2 and 3 epics should be difficult enough that we pick and choose where we are going to invest the time.
How to implement it?
a. Dungeon tokens would be a mistake, at least beyond the typical 20-30 as used in dragon armor and other upgrades. Sure, I could drop 100 dungeon tokens to make the best SoS on DDO, but that takes away from the idea that tier 1s should be relatively attainable. It makes epics more grindy instead of less, because your tier 1s would suck more and have more opportunity cost. "Sorry Rocka, I couldn't put greater false life on my epic party favor gloves, because I am working on my Real Rogue sexy stick I aim to complete by Nov 2012. -- Dresek
b. End rewards.
This is the biggest flaw in epic. A hugely underused potential. Fernando Paiz and I had a rainbow moment of zen and connectedness today when he mentioned end rewards in his post.
End rewards should drop crafting components (like the marks in the marketplace, or the bits in the house D quests) that can be used to upgrade any epic item or any epic item in that area.
OK, and while I'm at it, Devs, if I don't pull an Uber Gem of Upgrade My Underwear, I want some renown in my end reward list, because it is insulting that I am more 'renowned' for running two year old stuff than an epic raid like chronoscope or quest like chains of flame. Consider an automatic 2500 or better.
Oh, back to my point. So you pull your widget X and your bauble y. Combine x and y, cannibalize an epic energy cell*, throw some chocolate syrup and 20 dungeon tokens on top, and hey, you got a Smokin Tier 2 Epic Chaosblade that is actually better than freebie party favors.
*Epic energy cells were discovered on the ddo compendium and seem to be made by crunching any epic weapon or greensteel. It's like the Shroud high energy cells combined with crunching a bold trinket used in making crystal cove tier 3s - give something up to make something.
6Additionally, let 20th end rewards be epic-level ingredients. Let us get our scrolls of the Torc for running DQ 20 times. We gamers love progress.
What we end up with is a system where it is less headachy to make some epics, where we are happier to make any epics and don't groan when we pull the "wrong" seal or shard, and the truly focused can get their ePeens up by having one really sick sword on their sexy swashbuckler instead of ten toons toting titanium twin Timeblades. Something for everyone. Everyone who isn't a flower-sniffing newb, I mean.
So, will my 4am masterminding be right?