Ok i've been grinding my ass off when i havnt been working this week( i will too today day off YAY. er scratch that thought apparently i get to play lumber jack with trees today ****** >_<) I'm just curious as to where these nice pieces of gear fit into my end game gear slots. Note my rogue's lv 14 but I'm planning ahead and getting her lv 20 stuff right now.

Things I'm thinking about making/have made already input would be nice.

I have 2 of these blanks none tiered yet Should I just make 1 use it as off hand or duel wield them?

T3 epic cutthroat small blade

I have 1 tier 3'd not sure how good they are but they seem nice.
Epic Duelist's Leathers

I have 1 tier 3'd seems decent sadly no prot 5
Epic Ring of the Buccaneer

I have 1 tier 3'd seems really nice i'm sure others will say blood stone but excep int 2 is hard to pass up
Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass (Tier 3)

I have a blank 1 made, was thinking about having one for moments you'd need a sword and board but on second thought I'll probbaly be duel wielding almost always so idk if i should make it t3 or not.

Epic Swashbuckler (Tier 3)

As for the hat um i have no freaking clue what to do, some have said make haggle hat 15 haggle, 6 cha, some say int 6, dd 15, or seeker 6 honestly i'm not sure which to pick.

My plan is eventually maybe put toughness on spyglass, hvy fort on ring, and maybe get a min 2 helm made and replace minos long term goal atm.

sorry for rambling hopefully this is coherent enough to get a response ty.