sorry that last post looks confusing but dont know how to put multiple quotes in a post.
sorry that last post looks confusing but dont know how to put multiple quotes in a post.
The event was too short (for those of us who have to work to pay for rent and gaming). Only had about 10 hours total to spend here during the event... just enough to put one skill (plus one kobold buff) on one hat (which I could have just bought at auction, instead).
The event was well thought out, but the duration a little disappointing.
Is it possible to give us back for just few more days that crystal cove and kobolds?
It was awesome and i would like to do it again.
Atleast let us know when its comming again!
I've got a fever.
And the only prescription.
Is more kobolds.
Thanks for the birthday event. Those little kobolds made me laugh out loud. The voice acting was wonderful, the quotes memorable. It was a truly excellent celebration of our fifth anniversary together.
I believe the event was such a great success that Dungeons & Dragons Online should continue with the adventure. It was a blast!! com'on... it's your 5th BIRTHDAY!! LET'S KEEP ADVENTURING! ! !
Please consider bringing back the cove soon.
My personal wish list for upcoming changes to our game:
1. Completing our class prestige enhancements as we had been told was going to happen. (Absence of Ravager, Occult Slayer, Warpreist of Syberis, Thief Acrobat 3, Deepwood Sniper, Purple Dragon Knight, etc.... obviously the list could go on and on).
2. Completing our racial prestige enhancements as we had been told was going to happen. (Dragonmarked Heirs, Juggernuat, Dwarven Defender, etc...)
3. More planar travel for high end content.
4. I want to fight the freaking Horde in Amrath!!! LOL but, seriously Amrath is an amazing plane and we have been fighting Devils for 2 years now. Would love to smake a Balor around.
Six Human 12 FTR 6 RANG 2 MNK Mois Drow 20 Sorcerer Cannyscott Drow 20 Cleric Damgreducer Warforged 14 Barbarian 6 Ftr CRIT RAGE 2 KENSEI Nirvanaic Elf 18 BRD 2 FTR Sixis Temperhaste Dragon Human 12 Ftr 6 Ranger 2 Barb Xisix WHACKOBAT
1. Will there be familiars/companions to Wiz/Sorcs?
2. A while back Kate mentioned that you were looking at 4e rules, classes, etc. Are you still planning on adding/changing rules/classes/PrEs to match that of 4e?
3. Greensteel deconstruction.: this has been asked for a good 2.5 years in several ocassions. Can we look forward to it in 2011?
4. Are you guys looking at tweaking XP requirements for TRx2+ ?
5. Druids, gnomes, psionics, Shifters?
Thanks in advance.
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules:
GREAT event, Turbine! A week later, I'm nearly recovered from it! (staying up to play for 20 hours Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday morning whilst everybody in my house was succumbing to flu was probably not smart. Fun, but not smart. I paid the price, but it was oh-so-worth it!)
Just about all of my concerns have already been asked about, so here's (hopefully) a new one: Is there any possibility about getting the crafting part of events to stick around longer? Shut down the pirates/undead/ski jumps/whatever, so we don't get any more doubloons/motes/coins/whatever... but keep the crafting box open to play with the ingredients we've already acquired. Give us a chance to catch our breaths from DOING the event so we can figure out what we want FROM the event (I didn't decide what I wanted on my monk's hat until just before we went in for what turned out to be the last run through the Cove... and then I screwed up and didn't craft it high enough, 'cause I was being rushed. I *still* haven't decided what I want on my ranger's hat...)
Trying to figure out what I want, what I need to make what I want, moving the ingredients around 'cause I ended up with doubloons on one character and shards/gems on the other, AND actually crafting it, AND just enjoying the hell out of the event... didn't work. 'Twas too much.
So please. Please please please. Keep the crafting boxes up after the event goes down. And maybe put a bank in Smuggler's Rest, but that's just for laziness *g*
Still... the event was WAY fun (I didn't spend nearly as much time in Mabar 'cause it wasn't way fun). I liked almost everything about it (the minotaurs deciding to one-hit my poor l'il L4 notwithstanding). I absolutely LOVED the kobolds. They were adorable. I wanted to take one home with me. Bring back the event just for the kobolds. I'm also quite fond of most items being BtA (though I'm confused about the compasses and req forms being BtC, not quite sure what the point of THAT is. But I can deal). I'm in love with the Greater Stalwart Trinket (Stoneskin + "ready for special ki attack" glow = "character is made of light!"). And the Ring of the Buccaneer. And the Brawling Gloves! My monk loves her some brawlin' gloves! And that little Lost-ish smoke from the pierce damage is cool.
So please. Bring back the crafting box? Pretty please? With a kobold shaman on top?
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
This. Using planar travel for high end content would allow to make adjustments on the equipment: some pieces could not work as well in some planes, some spells couldn't be cast. That would allow more variety and would give new challenges without following the escalation curve.
In my wish list, I would like:
* More personnalized crafting like the hats during the event;
* A 'simple' crafting for scrolls or wands like the create magic items in PnP. Well thought, this would allow the addition of the Artificer class, which an important part of the Eberron setting;
* Another way to view epic content: One of the problems, I think, comes from the bunch of raw immunities available in the game. It would be nice to include, both for players and monsters, a way to reduce those immunities. These could come from feats, enhancements, songs, etc.
* I would also like to see the other PrE, either for classes or races.
* There should be some adjustments on the loot tables, to reflect the evolution of the game. Items below level 18 should probably be more available to reflect that they aren't anymore the end content. This would reduce the difference between new players and older ones. Every raid loots should be available for 20th completion, and not only a part of it, which can bring a lot of frustration.
* Allowing to exchange 3 ingredients for one would be great, but the problem is that GS is really overpowered. The ML should really be increased. Perhaps it could increase for every new tier: Blank, ML 12; Tier 1: ML 14, Tier 2: ML 16 and Tier 3: ML 18.
Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )
I would really like to hear about Druid development and ranger animal companions etc as yeah teh summons are ok but we need a scalable companion, and new races would be greatc, plus any more areas such as desert gianthold game seeming small again, need some growth,