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  1. #21
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    I did the event solo on all levels of characters. After getting my first compass on my level 5 FVS I was able to trade in for my next compass with just one run in the cove and have gems to spare... Yes, I had to trade more gems in than my level 20 Wiz... but I was still able to play it effectively. You just have to make sure you wander and kill as many things in the cove as you can to maximize your Gem take.

    All in all.. fun event at all levels.
    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    - Douglas Adams -

  2. #22
    Community Member EddieB_TBC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    AH! so the lvl 4s and 6s should not have fun during events and get stuff that they want? This is what makes most new players quit. It is NOT a good old boys club for those playing the game for 3-4 yrs.
    News flash... if your level 4 takes a pop at a bug bear, hobgoblin, or god forbid a minotaur then you need to run away... if you get the chance. If you run around like a brain dead psychopathic monkey swinging at everything like you own the place then you'll get free trips back to your bind point with regularity. Solution is to pay attention to what you choose to fight. In my experience the slayer area is a trip with my lvl 6-7 toons, they totally own out there, while I find I am working my butt off with my higher level toons because the stuff hits pretty freaking hard. So having made that observation what is different is my level 20s will just engage whatever they happen across and deal with it while my lvl 6-7 toons actually need to pay attention to what they pick a fight with but spend a lot more time fighting and much less time running back to the tavern for hit points.
    This space intentionally left mostly blank.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    AH! so the lvl 4s and 6s should not have fun during events and get stuff that they want? This is what makes most new players quit. It is NOT a good old boys club for those playing the game for 3-4 yrs.
    Funny you say this...i took my lvl 4 sorc in there yesterday. No problems running the general area, although one should always use caution when low death comes quickly to the careless.

    Now the actual quest.....i had no problem soloing it on lvl 3 or 4 with a level 4 sorc only.....

    Sure i didnt get lots of dragon myself at lvl 4 i was able to get over 100 collected each time but it varied from 101 ~ 159 total collected. Had i been able to find another toon at level with a might have been 200!

    Sure my 20's can run it at 25 and no issue getting the work done...but i didnt have a single problem running at lvl 4.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by PNellesen View Post
    The only real problem I had on my lowbies was finding groups running the cove at the levels I needed to get the lower-level gems. While soloing at-or-below level for the gems I was looking for was ok, I got way more when I was in a group (my level 9 cleric is S...L...O...W... and simply couldn't get the torches down fast enough to trigger more mobs)

    Shards weren't an issue, but that's because I also have a 19/1 Cleric/Fighter who would join a couple level 25 cove groups when I needed 1200 more
    Then lets ask ourselves...why try to get the dragon crystals with the lowbie? Why not instead get those lower gems in the runs with your cleric but dont bother with the Kobolds.....then when you need dragon crystals use your 20 to supply them...they are BtA not BtC. You would find in one 40 min session our cleric would have all the gems he needs for crafting the lower items.

    Just a thought.

  5. #25
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorz View Post
    Then lets ask ourselves...why try to get the dragon crystals with the lowbie? Why not instead get those lower gems in the runs with your cleric but dont bother with the Kobolds.....
    That's exactly what I was doing, but my experience seemed to be that once you killed all the initial mobs throughout the dungeon, unless the kobolds were continuing to collect crystals no more mobs would spawn.

    Edit: I didn't try the "kill all the mobs then release then re-enter" method though, simply because I didn't think of it. I assume that would have been the better strategy.
    Last edited by PNellesen; 02-28-2011 at 05:08 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

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