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  1. #1
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    Default Event not lower lvl friendly?

    With the new event not having a very strict limit to the monster lvls needed for your tokens to drop, there has been a number of instances where a group of 1-6 lvl players have recieved the raw end of the deal with a lvl 20 coming in and one shotting their kobold/drow. Also a player needs to get just one compass to gain entry to the cove. Beyond that it becomes self sustaining with the option to trade in gems. But the gem trade rate gets so low for a lvl 1-8 that it forces them to sit and hunt for their compass in the general area. Hence it is the lower lvls that essentially open the cove for the higher lvls by turning in the map pieces with the lvl 20s almost exclusively running the cove with 0 trade ins. Should the cost of a compass be made a trade in for a fixed number of map pieces making all players do their part to open the cove? And should there be more regulation of lvls needed for tokens to drop?

  2. #2
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    Supporting characters of extremely low levels wouldn't be a goal for a time-limited holiday event.

  3. #3
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Supporting characters of extremely low levels wouldn't be a goal for a time-limited holiday event.
    AH! so the lvl 4s and 6s should not have fun during events and get stuff that they want? This is what makes most new players quit. It is NOT a good old boys club for those playing the game for 3-4 yrs.

  4. #4
    Community Member Seihan's Avatar
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    While I agree that the event isn't so friendly to low level players, I also agree with the above poster that it shouldn't have to be. It's a 5 yr anniversary event, celebrating the 5yrs the game has been going and rewarding all the players that helped it stay around so long.

    Imagine I got a new job at an office and during my first week on the job they had a party thanking everyone for a good year in sales. Should I get upset if there aren't enough pictures of me in their slide show presentation?

    Even so, they seem to have done a reasonably good job trying to include everyone. My highest lvl toon is lvl 8 and I've had lots of fun with it so far. Well designed event imo.

  5. #5
    Community Member Original's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    AH! so the lvl 4s and 6s should not have fun during events and get stuff that they want? This is what makes most new players quit. It is NOT a good old boys club for those playing the game for 3-4 yrs.
    It's NOT?
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  6. #6
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    AH! so the lvl 4s and 6s should not have fun during events and get stuff that they want? This is what makes most new players quit. It is NOT a good old boys club for those playing the game for 3-4 yrs.
    Its amazing to see the assumptions made here. You can bring any level characters you want into the event, but spawns are based on what level is nearby. You need to make sure there are no higher levels in your area, otherwise higher CR critters will drop.

  7. #7
    Community Member Indoran's Avatar
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    A friend joined about 6 weeks ago... He is level 11. He was farming solo and doing the cove solo on his first toon... sure he had a couple of deaths... but he enjoyed the event and was able to get even epic loot...

    Go find yourself a group of lowbies and do the same... I also saw a couple of level 6 running around when I was on my caster I surely buffed them to the best of my level 20 wiz abilities... the game is about helping each other and cooperating, if there is something you can't do by yourself pug, make friends or join a guild!

  8. #8
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seihan View Post
    Imagine I got a new job at an office and during my first week on the job they had a party thanking everyone for a good year in sales. Should I get upset if there aren't enough pictures of me in their slide show presentation?

    Even so, they seem to have done a reasonably good job trying to include everyone. My highest lvl toon is lvl 8 and I've had lots of fun with it so far. Well designed event imo.
    I am not sure where you are heading with the office comparison. If i was invited to the party and asked to clean up after because i was the new guy i will be offended.

    happ yto know you had fun. i played with my lvl 20 and did enjoy the event. But many of my friends had a terrible time with their lower lvls.

  9. #9
    Community Member Morgothrond's Avatar
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    I ran the event with a level 4 cleric.

    Had lots of fun, meet a couple of cool guys (level 6 - level 15), got to kill monsters, get regular items, and i even got two pretty cool items out of the whole thing. I liked the whole thing.

  10. #10
    Community Member Seihan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    I am not sure where you are heading with the office comparison. If i was invited to the party and asked to clean up after because i was the new guy i will be offended.
    lol fair enough : D

    Like another guy said, even totally new players from a month ago are likely to have a character over lvl 5. So the population of players with a MAIN character of lvl 1-6 is a pretty small slice of the community...

    I'm just sayin' given that, looks like they did a good job of balancing a lvl 1-20 event imo.

    My buddies gimp sorc had problems surviving out there at lvl 8; made getting compasses for him a chore but we still had fun. Sorry your friends struggled too.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    I am not sure where you are heading with the office comparison. If i was invited to the party and asked to clean up after because i was the new guy i will be offended.

    happ yto know you had fun. i played with my lvl 20 and did enjoy the event. But many of my friends had a terrible time with their lower lvls.
    You would be offended lol for having to clean up because your the new guy, must be a civilian :P
    Englorious Basteurds - There the only ones who can put up with me.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery Barazon's Avatar
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    This was a problem with the Mabar event, and it is still a problem with this one. To be fair, they fixed many of the Mabar problems: there is no more server-crushing lag when the doors open, everything being bound to account makes people do their own farming instead of buying everything, etc.

    The explorer area should be more friendly to all levels, and a way to enforce this would be to have instances that are reserved for a given level range. For example, make a rule such as:

    Instances 1-10: levels 1-4
    Instances 11-20: levels 5-8
    Instances 21-30: levels 9-12
    Instances 31-40: levels 13-16
    Instances 41 and up: levels 17-20

    Enforce changing of instances to only allow switching to an instance that fits your level range, and the problem is solved. No more low level characters getting one-shotted because they attacked the wrong monster, no more high level toons swooping in and killing everything. This also solves the Mabar problem of getting cursesd with negative levels for killing things that were too low of a level.

  13. #13
    Community Member talyor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    AH! so the lvl 4s and 6s should not have fun during events and get stuff that they want? This is what makes most new players quit. It is NOT a good old boys club for those playing the game for 3-4 yrs.
    While i slightly agree with your initial post as yes it can be more difficult for a lower lvl player. I have found time in game does not neccessarily mean low or hi lvl toons. I know some very casual players that have been in over a year and love playing lowbies or that are on so infrequently that thier toons just having gotten to higher lvls but on the flip side thier are people that have been on less than a month and play long a hard to have nearly capped toons already. When it comes down to it thier is only one thing that makes any player quit and that is the game is no longer fun for them anymore!!!! (well maybe excessive signifigant other agro too .... LOL).

  14. #14
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    The outside zone is large enough that it is pretty easy to stake out an area with lower level characters and get mostly drow and kobolds to spawn. Those work nicely out there. My level 5 WF Sorc hardly needed to stop, ever, until he pulled a compass.

    Was able to then enter the Cove with a level 5 ranger and run the quest as a duo and while we did not max out the shards, netted well over a hundred each on a single run. (Ran it at level 4 just to make it easier the first time with the 5's). This whole event is extremely well balanced overall.

    Groups of 20's in a 25 setting, can have some fun and they need to be pulling 300 per to get enough to twink up a bunch of items.

    Lower level characters need far fewer shards to craft up items they need at those levels.

    I've run 20's in groups for the 300/run farming, I've run teens in there solo for gem and shard farming. Ran a pair of 11's in a dual box run for shards, and run with level 5's above. The challenge of getting the quota and hitting the max is close to the same at all levels I've found. With a poor crystal drop, the 20's only banked 150 before bonus. Just like the low level groups. A full party makes it a lot easier to hit max, but seeing how close even a solo or duo can come, means that with a little practice it is not that hard to make happen.
    Last edited by Zenako; 02-28-2011 at 10:22 AM.
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  15. #15
    Community Member ballsz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgothrond View Post
    I ran the event with a level 4 cleric.

    Had lots of fun, meet a couple of cool guys (level 6 - level 15), got to kill monsters, get regular items, and i even got two pretty cool items out of the whole thing. I liked the whole thing.
    This is pretty much the general attitude I've heard from low lvl players. Sorry if you had a bad experience.

    I even stop to raise them when I'm trampling through.
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  16. #16
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    The only real problem I had on my lowbies was finding groups running the cove at the levels I needed to get the lower-level gems. While soloing at-or-below level for the gems I was looking for was ok, I got way more when I was in a group (my level 9 cleric is S...L...O...W... and simply couldn't get the torches down fast enough to trigger more mobs)

    Shards weren't an issue, but that's because I also have a 19/1 Cleric/Fighter who would join a couple level 25 cove groups when I needed 1200 more
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  17. #17
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    While I chose to do the event on my Wiz20, I think that in theory the event is very low lvl friendly.

    Just not friendly to mixing low and high lvl people in a single group.

    As you pointed out, you really only need to kill pirates outside long enouh to get one compass. After that just doing (and succceeding) in the Cove will keep everything going for you.

    (other than the server needs a bunch of people to turn in map pieces.)

    I think the event is extremely low lvl friendly. Pirates are suppose to spwn near you appropriate to your lvl. And the Cove can be played at any difficulty lvl.

    The items even have options for a large variety of min lvls.

    However, my complaint is the items. The even will last only a short time. With no word as to whether it will come back, or allow us to upgrade items in the future.
    So it seems to me that my min lvl 4 cutless I make today will be obsolete when I lvl up tommorrow. And even if I TR it will have a very short window of usefulness to me in the future.

    Plus although the items are good. The armor actually is not very good IMO till lvl 20.
    I can get +5 armor at lvl 8. (maybe even lvl 6) Yet the event armor will not get to +5 till I make a lvl 20 version.

    The lvl 20 items are awesome. But I'd like to be able to use them at lvl 17ish. Cause by the time I get a toon to 20, he is just about to go on the shelf.

    I need one lvl 20 char. Any more and they start to get shelved. Semi-retired.
    Or TRed.

    Yet I have many lvl 17+ that are still actively seeking XP. Would be great to have some great equipment to make those last lvls of play a lot more fun.

    But the lvl 20 gear is good gear. and advertised as epic. (although only the tier 2 items are really what I consider epic gear)

    Wish there was a long temr way for low lvl chars to upgrade event items as they lvl up.

    And maybe even downgrade items if they TR.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  18. #18
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Original View Post
    You would be offended lol for having to clean up because your the new guy, must be a civilian :P
    And I assume never pledged a fraternity.

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  19. #19
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaxlsillyia View Post
    AH! so the lvl 4s and 6s should not have fun during events and get stuff that they want? This is what makes most new players quit. It is NOT a good old boys club for those playing the game for 3-4 yrs.
    Idk, I would think the level 4 and 6 level players would have almost the entire game to explore and have fun with still...
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  20. #20
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    I enjoyed part pugging-part guild running the cove as a lvl 20. But then i joined my friends who are new as a lvl 5. I know the spawns are based on the lvl and number of players in the area, but every few seconds an undead tincan will float by and nuke the bunch of drow pirate we are killing with a wail of the banshee may be we just had the misfortune of bumping into the wrong people
    But can't say we did not have fun in the cove though.

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