With the new event not having a very strict limit to the monster lvls needed for your tokens to drop, there has been a number of instances where a group of 1-6 lvl players have recieved the raw end of the deal with a lvl 20 coming in and one shotting their kobold/drow. Also a player needs to get just one compass to gain entry to the cove. Beyond that it becomes self sustaining with the option to trade in gems. But the gem trade rate gets so low for a lvl 1-8 that it forces them to sit and hunt for their compass in the general area. Hence it is the lower lvls that essentially open the cove for the higher lvls by turning in the map pieces with the lvl 20s almost exclusively running the cove with 0 trade ins. Should the cost of a compass be made a trade in for a fixed number of map pieces making all players do their part to open the cove? And should there be more regulation of lvls needed for tokens to drop?