Wait, so I can has your stuff?![]()
Wait, so I can has your stuff?![]()
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
Well played Rift open beta and I think it is fine game. Some souls (sub classes) are really cool and unique in game play, or at least concpet.
But have quite few pains:
- world is realy too big (to go to AH you have to go to main town that is in some buttend and won't return there for like 2 or more hours).
- items, maybe at higher level content it would differ but low level you choose the weapon wigh highest DPS (power, etc.), and best armor (for warior it is always plate, for cleric chain, for rouge leather, for mage cloth).
- Total lack of Ballance. Ofensive soul of warrior or rouge is way much better than offensive soul of cleric (when they all are offensive souls, then why lv 40 druid have less power than 20 warrior). And I think it souldn't happen for "WoW clone".
- Awfully slow crafting. (In WoW trial i reached 100 crafting skill in 1 day without massive grind), here I couldn't reach this 75. Not to mention some normal reagents were so rare to find that why you should bother.
- AND there are no kobolds :-P
I spent more time downloading Rift than playing it.
Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.
[quote]DDO has dumbed the game down so far, and put in soo many easy buttons it has really become un fun to play.[/quote
Your join date is Nov 2010, you haven't been here long enough to know any different.
No, DDO is not a clone of wow. There are thousands of reasons why but you obviously don't care.along with the F2P WOW factor it's becoming a WOW cloan with better mechanics.
master lvl? What the heck is that? Is that where you make a veteran character and don't die in Cannith Crystal solo elite?as I have said elsewhere, you play a game and get to master lvl, then try to play with a novice ideaology.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out. The game needs less players with your attitude and more players who want to enjoy the game.nada lada fun there.
G-Landers PM for my stuff.
The only intelligent thing you've had to say.so long and thanks for all the fish.
This is the best part of his posts
This, exactly. The writing is atrocious in so many recent MMOs, and the standard isn't too high, either (the writing is so schlocky and non memorable in most of them (Champions Online...) that they would only look decent compared to Asian F2P MMO imports that are in engrish. Turbine has fairly decent writers (more so in Lotro actually, but it's not bad here either), which is relatively rare and pretty much the reason I stick around games (and I'm likely not alone in this).
Last edited by locus; 02-28-2011 at 04:25 AM.
i'll bite ^^
you are just a close minded person or a troll.
ddo is not wow
i could only play 3 minutes of wow, even if i really like class design i DONT LIKE CONTROLS AND GAMEPLAY
what is special of ddo ?
go play: arx fatalis, dark messiah of might and magic, deus ex 1, system shock 2
now you know what i mean for "special"
you can actively block ! (no more yawn boring auto block)
you can shoot arrow from a safe spot, on the move, and hide behind a wall like a fps ! (i played daoc and you couldn't shoot, hide, shoot... monster always made a beeline for you)
finally some traps ! finally some traps you can active avoid with good reflexes, and many types of them !
you can move while cast, shoot, fight ! no more boring 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3
enemies have different weaknesses !
on dark age of camelot: wizard use same direct damage spell, on everything ! monster 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 .. n
on ddo: wow a fire elemental lets use ice !
wow undead, lets use firewall
wow i need only to kill an orange mini boss in the quest, lets just cursh and instashot him, no need to kill every gazillion monster in sight, and wait for repop, and rekill all day long all levels along
wow a golem, let's use disintegrate, wait i am too low level, lets use this nice quarterstaff with vicious or some other nice effect !
wow an undead beholder ! (immune to fire) lets use a force spell !
seriously go play your skill 1, skill 2, skill 1, skill 2 cycle...
also you can build a char on ddo piece by piece
also if you have few time you can just do 1 quest, on mmorpg is usually farm the same siabra / wood creature in lyonesse wow oh wow
i like guildwar 20 levels
i like ddo 20 levels
i hated daoc 50 levels and like not getting a spell improve for 6 levels like wow up a level hp, sp, just the same few spells... on diablo 2 you get 1 skill point every level ! but no, lets just play 6 levels with same few spells, and hope to just get a little improve on the 7th level...
(on guildwars you may use every skill (cept elite) from the start of the game, and they improve each level !
oh yes lets make a lvl 80 or 90 game grindfest when very little change when level up -.-'
at low level in guildwar and ddo you still have options and fun
at low level in other mmorpg you just have 2 crappy skill and are forced to use them for a long long long time.
bye you will not be missed
edit: ddo has the best quest in a mmorpg i saw,
and guildwars has exceptionally good coop missions !
well, bye: the force of evil gather at our gates, clouding the land in darkness, like a dark cloud that makes everything appear much darker !
will you help ? what you say ? what you say ?
then go, and bring me 5 rat tails !
don't worry as you'll level up you will become a lot more involved with the lore and the storyline !
oh tha'ts cool ! so what is the quest for a level forty ?
well, i need to find 5 wolf tails !
Last edited by nayozz; 02-28-2011 at 04:53 AM.
Can I have your stuff?
Awww, that's so sweet....oooh something shiney....look an airship....Gak! There's a halfing chasing me!
An alternate forum exsist! PM me.
Enjoy the 7 hour wait to get into the game.
to be filled in....
........................................... I <3 22/7
Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package
More of a Warhammer clone. As in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and the minatures game. Especially their take on dwarves and orcs are shamelessly stolen, and the humans/Empire with their giant armour, griffons etc. Seem to remember vaugely that Games Workshop even sued Blizzard at one time?
Then again you could say that Warhammer was inspired by D&D - and Gygax and Arneson were of course influenced by Vance, Tolkien, Moorcock et. al. And Tolkien in his turn stole like a hungry hobbit on a rampage from old tales like Beowulf and Nordic myths. Nothing is new under the sun, and creativity is nothing but the ability to obfuscate your sources.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010